KhocLoc, even Pro Players did bad videos about missing mg shots or no kill on enemy, they cannot upload videos, that's same thing. now stop your yap lmao
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, retard medkid scared to post video of him missed mg 3times. SO FXCKING EZ, on god. U cant even fight loser med ”you think I got nothing to do except taking part in your drama ?
“tard's deaths screenshots Watch my wall, youre so famous as a clown”Please use [link] it's free dude, don't be a retard
" youre so famous as a clown" I'm clown? lmfao i killed you 3 times and you killed me 1 time in 2025 January 20, So i won the Prize from you, still no body cares about your screenshots and trash videos, you hide your deaths as you scared to share your deaths, Ultra LMFAO
Now Go Away from my Profile i only show you my 2 screenshots to make your friend Lac /cry and you /cry as w e l l
tard's deaths screenshots Watch my wall, youre so famous as a clown
Watch my wall, youre so famous as a clown”Please use [link] it's free dude, don't be a retard
Now Go Away from my Profile i only show you my 2 screenshots to make your friend Lac /cry and you /cry as w e l l
Anyways now go shut up bro
Watch my wall, youre so famous as a clown