The symbol of justice is a woman holding 2 scales and a sword.
One balance "facts", the other "lies"
Everyone knows "truth" is stronger than lies, but remember that woman "closed her eyes"
And her... (more)
The symbol of justice is a woman holding 2 scales and a sword.
One balance "facts", the other "lies"
Everyone knows "truth" is stronger than lies, but remember that woman "closed her eyes"
And her sword kills truhts.
(It's easy to hide the truth with lies) (less)
A tear fell from my eye
Just let u know i did voting if someone miss u 0 yes 14 no (and i thought people hate me)
Since u went from the server the community is much more happy and peaceful like a curse has been released from our server
We wont miss ur Stings,finding us with ur cheats like u god u know where all even when hide off, ur speed hacks , once u threw from same infernus 5 stings in a *ROW* outside my house in ganton god know how u did
Farewell my enemy hope we will never ever meet again
And btw, my sword only killed u (ᵔᴥᵔ)
Some make us smile, some make us weep.
Some we love, some we don't.