So I was chilling in my usual 24/7 store, buying my daily dose of Alcopatch and Deuladmol to treat my meth addiction, until suddenly this tiny eyes ching chong man decided to rob this store.
I had no choice but to cooperate although the hot-blooded robbers... (more)
So I was chilling in my usual 24/7 store, buying my daily dose of Alcopatch and Deuladmol to treat my meth addiction, until suddenly this tiny eyes ching chong man decided to rob this store.
I had no choice but to cooperate although the hot-blooded robbers decided to shoot anyways.
I ended up hit by two bullets in my left shoulders and a severe hemorrhage, but the doctors were quick and efficient to make me walk on my feet again, so proper thanks to them
I'll always listen to Ammunation's advice and carry a gun with me nice time to pop up some Samaurai's heads
Also a message for SAPD, please increase the patrols in counties, these chinese japanese whatever are everywhere causing chaos. (less)