



GTA: San Andreas

eyad_police really loves talking about my mom

GTA: San Andreas
eyad_police really loves talking about my mom
Eyemef Eyemef 07/11/2024

yep, hes bein like this for months, and reports when i answer back. i got muted for pming "stfu moron" after these :DD
i know i can just block but i dont like blockin people in general, i also know he evades all rules by using google translate,... (more)

Comments (15)

Eyemef n00b Level 48 23/11/2024 05:38 PM
ahahahha celld
celldweller2066 Butcher Level 68 13/11/2024 03:35 PM
مرحباً يا إياد يا بني، الجميع سهل التعامل في الخادم 3، لا تزعج نفسك بالأشخاص الذين لا يحترمونك، فهم جميعاً سهلون للغاية وفقراء، لقد تركت الخادم لأن الصعوبة سهلة للغاية يا أخي، أنت الملك والجندي الرئيسي للمهاجرين، تحية لملوك الهجرة، وشكراً لك على كل المتعة التي قضيناها في الخادم 3.
DirtyImpala Bully Level 58 13/11/2024 04:13 AM
Bro Eyad becoming SANTILA_
Kimm Legendary player Level 81 12/11/2024 10:11 PM
This is not true you are lying I have pictures when you told me wait I will make the admin block me If what you said is true why don't you block me why do you leave me you can block if what you said is trueInstead asking them to block you, why don’t you stop bother people? I wonder how old are you in real life? You lucky you didnt get yourself a ban like roa did, involved family in the game isnt cool man. Grow up.
wetkjhsetgst Bully Level 49 12/11/2024 10:08 PM
Eyad trying to make a proper sentance:
Eyadpolice001 Vandal Level 38 12/11/2024 09:45 PM
This is not true you are lying I have pictures when you told me wait I will make the admin block me If what you said is true why don't you block me why do you leave me you can block if what you said is true
SixtyNinee Legendary player Level 43 11/11/2024 03:02 AM
Roaa was better , of he gets ban the s3 would be good again
wetkjhsetgst Bully Level 49 10/11/2024 08:08 PM
he should getting perma banned like roa because always toxictrue he's worse then roaa
Grisha Player Level 45 10/11/2024 07:57 PM
he should getting perma banned like roa because always toxic
dingo007 Legendary player Level 55 08/11/2024 10:43 PM
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