Before (right):
Name: Portable Base
Speed: N/A
Date Obtained from workshop: 18.02.2015 (02:36)
controls: Arrow keys = movement, Buttons on exterior and interior for door and lift
Addons used: none
Advantages: does... (more)
Before (right):
Name: Portable Base
Speed: N/A
Date Obtained from workshop: 18.02.2015 (02:36)
controls: Arrow keys = movement, Buttons on exterior and interior for door and lift
Addons used: none
Advantages: does not require any addons, uses normal duplicator, easy to spawn and use, has seats upstairs so passengers can occupy the vehicle, can be controlled regardless of being in the seat or not.
Disadvantages: too easy for players to get into it, part of the top is exposed so it is easy to shoot passengers on the top floor, not well suited for non smooth terrains or water, no lighting, no horn, not very presentable, if attacked by a nuclear weapon it will destroy all constraints causing the vehicle to scatter everywhere...making it unusable.
Personal Notes from creator: N/A
Name: Porta-House
Speed: 20-25 MPH(without thruster), 70-75 MPH(with thruster)
Current Version: V1.0
Date prototype was finished: 12.12.2015 (12:02)
Date V1.0 was completed: 12.12.2015 (14:09)
Controls(when in seat): WASD = Movement, Spacebar = Brake, R = Parking Brake, F = Horn, LALT = Lights, LMB = Open Door, RMB = Close Door, buttons on interior for lift, door, lighting and parking clamps.
Addons Used: Wiremod, Buoyancy Tool, Advanced Duplicator 2.
Advantages: has security keypads used on lift and on the door, Fully wiremod meaning no unwanted actions when pressing the wrong button or using another dupe, More better suited for non smooth terrains and water, has inbuilt water brake(Using a freezer on the bottom plate), Lighting system on rear to indicate brake and reverse, Parking brake light, interior and exterior lighting, Better equipped for smaller vehicle parking with parking clamps installed, seat can be locked to prevent players from attempting to steal the vehicle, upper floor is fully secured with Mo15 Patented Metalass (fusion of metal and glass), can withstand almost all forms of attack, has thruster for added speed.
Disadvantages: Requires Two addons in order to be fully functional(Buoyancy is needed for it to float), Requires Advanced Duplicator 2 to spawn, May cause lag on low computers, need some tweaking when spawned such as the door and lift in order to be usable, keypads need to be coded when spawned, if near the keypads on the door when the wrong passcode is entered by someone else you may get killed also or injured, code is needed to access the upper floor, activate the parking clamps on the lower floor, open door and lock the door(from outside), lighting may cause lag, Buoyancy needs to be applied to all four wheels, the axles and the bottom plate, not able to be used in small spaced maps, cannot use thruster when in water due to it causing the vehicle to capsize, needs to be gently placed in water in order to prevent capsizing, can be difficult to get back out of water by driving it if there is not a ramp, great care is needed when moving it by the Physics Gun...if moved around too violently it can cause the vehicle to become "corrupted" and will need to be respawned, if to be used in a multiplayer environment certain commands need to be entered in the console in order to be able to spawn it(due to amount of wire gates, lights and thrusters used), no extra seats which means that passengers are unable to occupy the vehicle while it is in motion, vehicles will find it difficult to go up its thick door(jeeps need to be entered front first), if attacked by a nuclear weapon it will destroy all constraints causing the vehicle to scatter everywhere...making it unusable, no interior on the upper floor except for the driver seat, all keypads on the interior or exterior use the exact same code. (less)
P.S: the dates are real...not fictional