Apply for helper position Age: 23years Languages: arabic (native speaker), english (learning 11 years) , French (learning 3 years) Total gaming time on the server: +980 hours Gaming time per day: 1-3 hours Registration on web: 30.11.2015 Server: San Andreas 2 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.β
08/12/2017Apply for helper position Age: 23years Languages: arabic (native speaker), english (learning 11 years) , French (learning 3 years) Total gaming time on the server: +950 hours Gaming time per day: 2-3 hours Registration on web: 30.11.2015 Server: San Andreas 2 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.β Iam back again ileft because i was very bussy but now iamnot :) .. thanks
12/11/2017Application denied since only 1 appliance per month is allowed. Last time you applied was 17th Sept.
12/10/2017-make it impossible to join roulete in casino if you are fight with other player
-add new /items
apply for helper position Age: 23years Languages: arabic (native speaker), english (learning 11 years) , French (learning 3 years) Total gaming time on the server: +950 hours Gaming time per day: 2-3 hours Registration on web: 30.11.2015 Server: San Andreas 2 ( I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.β Notes I left the server for a long time because of study and work But now I graduated from college and became not busy , I know that I had bad morals and I was very insulted But I have changed my behaviot since the previous period before I leave the server and admins know it well And I am back now with a better behavior than the first . I hope to trust me thanks !
17/09/2017Application for helper position:
Age: 23 years
Languages: arabic (native speaker), English (learning 11years) French (learning 3 years)
Total gaming time on the server: 920 hours
Gaming time per day: 2-3hours
Registration on web: 30/11/2015
Server: San Andreas 2 (
I have read apply requirements described at in first post this thread.
- i left server because i had exams but now iam back again hope to be one of stuff
The winner is : succ with number : 41 thanks all .
18/04/2017Hello all :) I made this forum because this is my 23 birthday : 17/4/2017. -My birthday contest is 1.25USD on all servers iknow that not enough money but its ok xD -if you wanna win 1.25USD post a comment with your favourite number from 1 to 100 and i will choose the number winner by number generatior program - this contest will end 19/4/2017 at 9.00 pm notice *dont add same number if some one added it. Thanks all and sorry for bad english xD
17/04/2017-Make anew ranks for paramedic job like cops job with cmd /paramedics
16/04/2017Happy easter
Thanks for this event and foodluck for everyone.
Did you read samp server update thread? Please read it again
12/04/2017Registered: 30/11/2015
Logged in: 01/04/2023
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No gaming activity yet