You want to change the name of your linked account? Because that can only be done by changing name from within the server.
29/03/2022This won't do anything, the players may stop racketeering, but players will still come with hunters and mg's to kill anyone who dares entering the lockers as they already have the excuse of death matching on s3.
14/12/2021Hello, I started a voting by mistake today with ''@'', it got cancelled and i was ok with it but i just checked they blocked for seven hours. I even said by wrong right after I start it, idk who blocked it but was this really required? I rarely even use voting's, though if this is the reason to it then alright.
22/10/2021Hi, I shot a gang member, and by the time i killed him, i gained mental (don't knw how much i gained but costs 200k to reduce 20) + 40k witness protection here's proof
18/09/2021I didin't recorded it, tho i did reported it straight away.. suppose its, useless, lock the thread.
21/08/2021I was in Sniper Vs Infernus event, killed one of the players in Infernus, gained 10 mental state. Would appreciate 100k refund due to server sided bug. (I didn't had high PL)
21/08/2021You should've had just auctioned from 19.9m so he would've only been able to bid 20m, ..
29/06/2020Hello,Theres been many cases of this when your flying hunter and randomly shoting fires in air and the fire would blow up on you, well happened to me, i had just bought a hunter for 210k and i was on top of sea and the fire blew it self on me when i shot one. it has happened many times with player Showzer aswell. Here's one.
22/06/2020I can't write the word "org" or ".org" as the name of organization as its considered as insult, please fix this..
21/06/2020My suggestion is that add a special offer on computer, which would be purchasing hunter for 1month and the cost of it would be 3m-4m cuz each hunter costs 100k-200k anyway. And you can use the hunter once in 24hours for free by going to military base. Hope niCe reads this..
20/06/2020Hey, just to let you know, you're not allowed to play in net cafe's, and probably it's the ip that's banned not account so try playing from home ip and it might work. Anyway wait for admins respond.
19/06/2020I get your point, your account is not banned neither your internet’s ip is, what i mean to say is that if your friend Rohit is banned, meaning his account (id) and ip both would be banned, and the only way it would be possible for you to play on his ip would be by admins unbanning his ip (meaning if he wants he can change his name and ban-evade) which the staff won’t take a risk of.. Hopefully this answered your question..
31/05/2020You can’t play from his id anyway as the ip would already be banned. The only way possible is for the admins to unban the banned player’s ip so you can play, which would never happen...
31/05/2020Registered: 21/08/2017
Logged in: 11/01/2024