



xMorpheus Master

Forum posts (491)

moderator pls read and pm me

Your records say otherwise, you did not use aimbot only for 2 minutes. Could you just admit the usage of cheats and be truthful at least, we will not accept your request if you are blatantly lying. I do understand that you don't want players to know that you were cheating against them but it is what it is.


I agree with Ludwin's point. We censor words like YouTube and Discord, but we don't mute players for abbreviating them like "YT" or DC" unless it's for advertising. Similarly, we should only mute if there's a bad intent behind the use of certain words.

I Lost My Old Account


You have given us no information to start with honestly, are you trying to log in to another web account or connect to our servers.

If it's our servers then we cannot help you as your account seems to have lost its data for some reason, it has also been 6 years since you have logged in which makes it impossible for us to fix.

Additionally, since it shows that you have only played 50hrs, then it's not of a big deal as you can start again from scratch and discover our features.

Thanks for understanding, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any queries!

why u keep deleting my vids ??????

You are already warned before, you should not post videos that advertise other servers, you are free to post those who are recorded in our servers or basically blur out the server's name and the chat.

I got ban after lag


It quite interesting how the first thing that your mind went straight to is aimbot after being banned for cheats. Anyhow, you were indeed cheating as we got enough evidence to support this punishment and such sanctions from higher ranks are irreversible, please remove your cheats if you wish to play here.

Banned no reason

You got banned because of the usage of the Android version which is not allowed, we also do not provide support for its users. Please refrain from using it and join with the legit version instead. Read this post for more information!

why icant join s4 with pc

Since you got your answer, I will lock the thread. Please don't hesitate to ask me privately in the future! Off topic joke admens when someone ban evades:

why icant join s4 with pc

To access the S4 server, you must have version 0.3.DL. Unfortunately, even if you meet this requirement, you won't be able to join if your country is blocked there. Additionally, please note that you are currently banned on the S2 server which means you are banned on every WTLS server.

Artworks forum closure.


You are always free to post any interactive content you like and blogs are the perfect place for this. However, your thread was locked because it wasn't organized and players were just spamming for the sake of XP.

Reporting a player


The player has been punished accordingly, thank you for the report.

Rate the signature above you!

Here is mine based on Itachi

Rate the signature above you!

Not scaled as it should, 6/10.

SA-MP client

Yes, it is currently being used by a lot of players and it's working perfectly fine these days.

Lolled Monster

Player has been muted, thanks for reporting!


Practice makes perfect. please stop asking such questions in the forums.


You are not the only player muted for saying this, therefore the mute is rightful.
If you want to wish others this, contact them privately or at least say have a blessed month.

Unfair mute by Morpheus

this statement was out of context and therefore rightful. man up

Unfair mute by Morpheus

another admin will say sth, as for me I'm done.

Login issue

Hello, Sorry for the late reply, however, you don't seem to be banned from our servers. I believe it's an issue related to your network connection, try to connect using a mobile hotspot or another ISP. If the problem persists, please let us know. //UPDATE: I guess your issue is related to this player's since you both share the same IP, please wait for niCe's reply.

Any Admin help me

You will be given an answer once an admin checks it, do not create more threads regarding the same topic as you have already been warned.

1 2 3 4 5... 25

About xMorpheus:

All people are nothing but tools to me. As long as I win in the end, that's all that matters.

Registered: 29/10/2018

Logged in: 25/06/2024

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Recent achievements

Make 50 friends Completed 01/03/2024
Make 500 posts on the forums Completed 16/12/2023
Rate 20 games Completed 11/10/2023