Name: xCross
Server: 3
Banned for ban evasion
Greetings, I had been banned for 5 days for cheats on from the server after I used an android version to login to the game. I'm back here after a long time and did not imagine it could get me banned after just driving a car around, I apologize for my inconvinience and will make sure I only use my PC. I was supposed to be unbanned on 21/04/24 that is yesterday so I waited until today to login and when I did from my PC I got rebanned for ban evade while I only tried to login from the PC. Is it due to the IP change? I kindly request for an unban
EDIT// I had logged on to the other 2 servers (1 and 2) to check for my stats in game but once I got banned I did not try to login on the other servers, kindly check the timelogs too, thankyou
Fix bug when anticheat falsely kick's you for walking on the crane in sf docks
06/02/2021Thanks for the help, I'll try that
//Edit: It worked, thanks for SanJiD and AmaNEk for the help
Thread can be locked now.
I recently upgraded my pc to windows 10 and my mouse doesn't work in game for some reason, can someone help me?
I just tried to change phone color in electric boulevard but it is bugged..
23/01/2021Hello there,
Today I had bought a bullet and saved it where my turismo was parked and after saving my bullet, my turismo despawned suddenly; I tried calling mors a lot of times but it isn't there in it, can someone help me :I
Hello, There a limit for selling usd's for players
Non premium users can sell 5 usd as max or premium users can sell 25 usd's as max.
Merry Christmas To Everyone! :D
25/12/2020 when i try to connect it say's server closed the connection
19/12/2020There Is A Bug When You Could Kill The Other Rhino In Event "Rhino Hunt" And Get Kicked + Mental State Hope This Get's Fixed Soon :)
15/12/2020Registered: 12/07/2020
Logged in: 08/05/2024
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