



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
xClaire Upstanding Citizen

Forum posts (11)

Christmas - 23rd December 2023.


I just did and i took a pic if you all need me to share it. I don't know why but for some reason badr1st doesn't believe me and seems like trying to force me to admit something i have never did, that's all my truth, i'm not and wouldn't hide anything.


I never used anything else but the fps thing and all those things you can see in my folder. As i told you in pms it was a bug somehow and it got fixed with a new gta i found from youtube. Why would i even need a mod to swim faster? Even as i said, when i used to fall from high heights just for a simple fail while driving my car my character wouldn't be able to swim up back and i had to use /kill


Well i can't play with either 60 or 90 fps/hz. Game actually feels laggy for me because of the monitor herzios so i don't know, lets be honest, most of the people that play on 144hz or more needs it and unlocks fps for a comfortable gameplay. I shouldn't be the only one using it.


Never used anything but all these things you all can see in my gta folder. I had silent patch installed on my other gta and i even tried uninstalling it before i reinstalled for a new one but it wasn't the problem causing the swim thing i mentioned but anyway i didn't even install it back on my new gta, just samp addons because i really need to unlock fps and hz for my monitor, otherwise it is a pain for me to play, it actually feels laggy.


Nick: xClaire In game: [ABC]Claire Server: WTLS 2 I got banned for "cheats" when i only have samp addons, graphics mods .asi and fps unlocker since i play on a 144hz monitor and its a pain to play with less than 100 fps for me. I just want to make sure that i had a bug or whatever with my last gta that i made me swin fast for some reason and when i used to fell from great heights and went to the bottom of the sea i couldn't get back up for some reason but thats it, i speak with badr1st and he told me yesterday 13/08 to reinstall my gta for a new one or i will get banned, so i did and it got fixed but he managed a day after to ban me for i dont even know what reason now since we spoke about it and i get to fix it with a new gta. There my gta folder (i actually reinstalled it yesterday as badr1st told me to)

Web new name, inactive user

Alright, thanks.. just wanted to make sure.

Web new name, inactive user

Hi. I wanted to ask if I can own a name (Claire) but its already owned, the thing is this person made that account in 2011 but they never used it. Can i own the name or is it not possible? This is the account link:

2K mg lost in rollback

Just to make sure bought it at auction from ReapeR_Aaron

2K mg lost in rollback

I bought 2k mg (36m) and there were a rollback out of nowhere, the thing is i log in back and i dont have the money i spent on it and the 2k mg. If anything i had 9460 so i should have 11460


I've lost my lspd 25 i bought like a month ago, gave it to a friend so he can add some things to be ft in ls customs and then i forgot to save it and someone destroyed it. Calling Mors doesn't help and is not in /savedvehicles i had it in garage 15 before. Can you guys give me it back? i bought it for 5 usd.


About xClaire:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 26/05/2021

Logged in: 27/01/2025

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1 month ago - Played 15 minutes
6 months ago - Played 30 minutes

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2808 hours and 45 minutes
16 hours and 25 minutes

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Make 10 friends Completed 06/11/2023
Leave 50 comments Completed 05/11/2023
Create a video with 1000 views Completed 03/09/2023