




Forum posts (64)

100 mg poofed

hi, it shows 106mg on my hand while only 6 in my inventory and then after firing one bullet all 100 were gone

Muted by MrPresident

Yes in fact I made this thread for your opinion and not admins review!

Muted by MrPresident

You have any clue what's going on in this thread lil bro? Because it seems like you're just farming xps

Muted by MrPresident

I dont force or threaten him at all, again the question is, how is a simple term for war between 2 parties blackmailing? He has the option to fight me back, but instead he keeps being racist and calls me "robber" (implying black people rob people). So again, I'm giving him options to either pay the term or just clap me in PvP until I give up, but instead he's been dying nonstop for 2 weeks and I'm just doing him a favor by giving him an option to be left alone by monetary compensation(war refund). Consider it an rp aspect of two parties being at war.

Muted by MrPresident

I was muted for begging by admin MrPresident. Perhaps his linguistic and mine are different, but I dont know in what world giving out a war term to end the killing of a poor samper resembles begging someone for money. Its not like I said Please give me money while groveling and drooling for it, rather I said "Give me 1m and we will stop killing you". Literally a war term. Did countries in war also get banned irl for begging when they spoke out a war term to end it??? I'm getting unmuted in couple minutes anyway but I just wanna know the reasoning behind the mute?


Hello bros, I try to stash 2100 minigun ammos in the gunlocker and it showed that I didnt have enough ammo, I try fire a bullet and all of it disappeared. Looking forward to your help bros

Hazard is a menace and needs to stop

I quoted his "mr.snowflake" from this thread and wrote "ironic coming from you" and he responds with "unless you wanna join too" which gets responded with my "unless you wanna abuse your powers and ban me for just saying that" and then he says "sure" and it ends with my ban. My good friend Crimson told me Hazard deleted his messages right after he banned me so can we actually have a lead admin to check on this and put a stop on this loose devil

Comments deleted

You can lock the thread, this was sorted out privately between me and R3dfield.

Comments deleted

I dont know what you mean by trying to "harass" you. I never got warned about anything, you just keep assuming things when they're actually not how you think they are. I posted the screenshot under only one of your videos, I didnt spam anything. Plus we only tried our best to get unbanned, we never tried to harass anybody. Stargore even cropped the names in the video and also didnt mention any names just so no one would start being harassed, so how exactly are we harassing you to this day?

Comments deleted

Why is my screenshot hidden? What's the problem with it?

Comments deleted

Hello, my comments under R3dfields video keep getting deleted. Im assuming it was R3dfield himself.
May I ask why? My comments only get deleted, but I receive no verbal warnings with a stated reason whatsoever. I want to take an example from sMex, another respected admin, who actually warned StarGore. He didn't let StarGore just assume what's going on.
The comment was this screenshot and a quote of his words under the video:

What's so serious about this screenshot that you have to delete it everytime you see it? It's just an old screenshot bud come on, I'm sure you changed your mindset on arabs after 3 years, they contributed a lot to this community.

Banned on Discord


I was watching a guy play Gta 5 in one of the voice calls and noticed that my name got changed, so I changed it to LJPTField and I got banned for no reason, with no warnings whatsoever, if there is any then go ahead show your fellow admins any but I'm afraid there aint one. Is there any explanation from the admins regarding this ban? Did some snowflake get wet all of sudden?

King regards

Admin power abuse

How else can an admin abuse in game then since your brain is shining hard and blinding us?? If he used no admin commands then he simply did not abuse, he did something that any player could do and it’s killing. Sort it out with him privately, since you’re clearly the one who upset him. Admins or not they do get punished as well for killing by getting kicked like any normal player would. With that attitude of yours I wonder if there would be anyone who wouldn’t kill you

" Apply for helper "

If you are accepted they will contact you, simple. In case they do not it means that you either got rejected or your application is still in reviewing phrase.

Stunt contests //C3nT: Accepted! Thread locked until a new stunt will be posted.

Suggestions on SA-MP

Take a better look, it's still there. It's just not listed last place anymore.


Server already warned you and yet you kept doing it. Either wait until you ban expires or buy unban from game shop here on website.
And as for you ItxRumi, make a new thread regarding your issue.

Bug reports on SA-MP

During The Federal Bank heist after you collect all the gold bars and enter a PnS you will lose half amount of money for absolutely no reason.

Stunt contests

1 2 3 4

About Welton:

Player since 2009.

Registered: 11/03/2017

Logged in: 8 hours ago

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Make 10 friends Completed 24/11/2019
Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 05/11/2019
Receive 100 likes Completed 31/10/2019