



Weezyy Helper Legendary player

Friends (34)

Weezyy and xSnake are friends
Weezyy and moodyDESTROY are friends
Weezyy and Wolfer are friends
Weezyy and PlaZmA20 are friends
Weezyy and Mrxx are friends
Weezyy and CRESPY are friends
Weezyy and LeXuZ are friends
Weezyy and xBossSyazwan are friends
Weezyy and MindBlown are friends
Weezyy and kostasGR are friends
Weezyy and Markevin are friends
Weezyy and Ekko are friends
Weezyy and AimanKazuya are friends
Weezyy and Syamim are friends
Weezyy and MantistXT are friends
Weezyy and Roaaa69 are friends
Weezyy and Parker are friends
Weezyy is following Spyy
Weezyy is following HooDie
Weezyy is following niCe
1 2

About Weezyy:

Former S3 Italian Mafia Boss
Helper: 21/1/2025
MERN Developer

Registered: 11/06/2016

Logged in: 3 hours ago

Recently played

No gaming activity yet

Most gaming time

No gaming activity yet

Recent achievements

Make 10 friends Completed 15/10/2020
Vote in 100 polls Completed 13/10/2020
Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 06/05/2020