You mad niggah? Diaz You must be short sighted. He replied to some fool dropping in and for your case. Unfortunatly as long as you play in banned range you will remain banned.
09/01/2018What if you're playing on s1 for many years? is there any way I can get my "IP" unbanned and able to play on the server peacefully?
03/01/2018Hello, I used to play in s1 when I was in Saudi Arabia but now I've moved to Pakistan it says that my location is banned, Is there any way I can log in to my account and play in the server.
03/01/2018New HUD for damage and speed doesn't look so cool,It would be better if we get the old one back.
18/09/2017The ban was rightful, you should've read /Rules before playing on the server, You were taking advantage of the bug and were earning money with that player which is completely wrong, You're a new player, You may get some deduction on the ban or get unban. BTW that player should also get banned.
17/09/2017Well, i have more than 1500 hours gaming time I know what to do before adding any post on the forum, Yes I tried everything to respawn my vehicle but it says "You don't own any vehicle" as I've mentioned before.
14/09/2017Hello, I just logged into s1 and started playing, I went to the garage and typed /respawn to respawn my nrg but it says I don't have any vehicle.
14/09/2017Is Your Keyboard Working?
and You should move on and install windows 7 for better results,Windows Xp has no more support from Microsoft.
Hat's off to you and your logic. Thank You admin for not banning me instead, I think i should go and be thankful to God for the mercy upon me. LOCK!
07/09/2017Firstly, Learn How to spell, and Secondly, It's none of your business go on other posts and earn some XP's there,Nobody needs your help here, Thanks!
07/09/2017It's just a humble question that does it wroth a 10minute mute?
07/09/2017I was lagging in other way,Like I went to my house and pressed "Enter" near that box(where we save weapons) but it me that showed i have 0 ammo, So i relogged and lost my Minigun.
05/09/2017I Had 200Mg purchased from auction i went to my house to save my minigun but i was lagging so i relogged and lost my Minigun(200).
05/09/2017Age: 17 years
Languages: Urdu/Hindi (Native Speaker) , English (Learning for 10 years) .
Total gaming time on the server: 1539 hours
Gaming time per day: 4-7 hours
Registration on web: 26/01/2015
Server: San Andreas 1 (
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in this thread.
This doesn't work, I'm not able to find server, BTW now I'm able can play on server(But it doesn't show ping and players) LOCK!
25/08/2017Registered: 26/01/2015
Logged in: 19/08/2024