novy web je jiz prizpusobenej pro praci na telefonu, co se tyce hry jako takove, jiz existuje verze na android, kdy jsi schopnej se na server z telefonu prihlasit, jak na to si najdi sam na googlu, nic tezkeho.
Nicmene tak jako ostatni Ti to i ja silne nedoporucuji, neni to stabilni, je tam spousta bugu a byly pripady kdy nekteri hraci co hrali z telefonu dostali ban, nebot ten launcher proste neni dokonalej. Je to spis warezackej vystrel, nez stabilni, overeny a podporovany zpusob hrani.
Rozhodnuti je tedy na tobe.
Ja jakozto mistr OCD, kterej rovnam i šutry na chodníku, jsem byl nejprve taky pro zarovnani na stred - nicmene kdyz to ted je, tak me to bije do oci jako krava. Urcite ne... Na kazdy pad pro spokojenost vsech, by jsi to mohl udelat volitelny, at si kazdy v nastaveni zvoli zarovnani interface webu
30/10/2023- Add details to vehicle display when calling mechanic, if you own multiple vehicles of the same type but different colors, you cannot tell which one to choose if you want a specific color.
I suggest adding something that will tell me what color is the vehicle iam about to call, based on the color i can easily identifiy which tune of a vehicle that specific one is.
To get the idea, if you own several vehicles of the same type but different colors, you pretty much cannot spawn a desired color that you feel like driving at the time. I have a few bikes that i own for sale that have unpleasant colors and it is very time costly to finally call my main bike that i enjoy driving.
- Also when selling vehicles on auto eroticar, you receive a message that your vehicle has been sold for x ammount of money. I suggest adding another word to thoose messages that would state what kind of vehicle it was. " You have sold a sultan vehicle for $$..."
Without rememmbering the price you have set on the sale or incase of selling multiple vehicles, without writing it down its hard to get an idea of what has sold based on the message.
- Upon saving a vehicle in Idlewood garage number 11, you often fall through the map.
21/10/2023- add a noteboard in players house, similliar to the organization one where you can post comments and notes.
- you would be able to write your personal notes there....*this house purchased for 7m.... tomorrow i want to do this and that... etc"
- If somebody is killed without a reason, let that person be able to take revenge, kill that person back without gaining mental health or wanted level.
Sometimes a random new player likes to fire RPGs at people at will, ofcourse i will go and kill that player to get my expensive guns back. Let me do that without punishment.
- when settings up prices in computer pages such as dynasty or eutoeroticar, use same menu mechanics we use when storing guns. - so that single clicks increase the price bit by bit, while holding for a second or two the price begins to rise fluently untill key lifted off. It is pain to set prices in computer pages as it is in current state where for setting a sell price of 13M for a vehicle, i have to press shift exactly 205 times (while the speed in which a single key press is registered is somewhat fixed by the server so i cannot make it any faster than it is able to register)
08/10/2023K profilu každého hráče tady na webu přidat možnost nahlásit uživatele (spam atd)
while on a /race, my car has flipped, exploded and i died inside of it, which then killed me outside of the race aswell, teleporting me to a hospital, without my guns. I have after a few seconds been teleported back to the original place but my weapons have not been restored by the server.
I would kindly like to ask for a refund of the weapons i have been possesing.
Time of incident : around 13:25 - 13:30
Hello dear fellows, across the years of the server development, there has been added a very large portion of new features and updates that do have impact on the servers performance from the perspective of an old game. We have a very large number of players that systematically blame the server for bad latency rates, lag, delays and such. I have to admit i have been in some way one of thoose people because i truly believed something like a bad internet providet cannot happen to me and that the only way this is possible is that the server is lagging! Overpopulated, overwhelmed? But finally i have been able to move to a different place, where i have a great many more options considering internet providers. I would like to present you ultimately what has my research been through the years and i would love to put an end to this never ending complaining and server blaming masochism. As i said.. i was convinced that my internet is great! Everything seems fine, the download speed is decent... why is it only that so often in game i get delayes when accesing game menus? playing minigames? navigating through computer pages? It would drive me insane. I simply could not scroll through the stock market fluently without it taking a second to load another page! Must be the server was my every day thought and i actually took that reality and got used to the fact it simply cannot ever get better. Well, the reality is somewhat very different. As much as some of you including past me would think their internet is stable and good, it may not be and you might think it through. What you specificallly need to aim for is stability of your internet performance and LATENCY! (ping) As my new internet provider completed the installation, i was really in shock how greatly that impacted my gaming experience, because i aimed for a provider with the best latency results. I have dropped from a latency around 25-30ms. to a decent 5-6ms. (according to speedtest websites) I can assure you this is a game changer and i feel like playing a completely new game. Accesing computers, any interaction objects, menus or features happens in an instant. I can scroll through computer pages fluently and immiadetely without any delay at all. Cooking meth is wonders now, playing basketball.... and so on. Not to mention my packetloss has dropped from 0.40% to somewhere around 0.00 - 0.10 ! Ofcourse the server have occasional spikes that last for seconds that may cause you delays, for example a computer page might be loading for 1-2 seconds. But those are very rare and do not happen that often therefore have no severe impact on the gaming experience. Overall then..... i have been playing with delays for many many great years here and now finally, even in a state where the server has TON of features that put a load on the server - the server itself is NOT LAGGING! And for all this time it has always been a fault on my side. So i please ask any of you that do experience delays in the game - make your research about internet providers in your location, ask them about their LATENCY (ping) ask a technic guy that knows IT stuff. Try to get a better deal. If you are getting over 20ms latency on your connection (speedtest websites) this does cause you to have minor delays in the game. Aim for anything under 10ms latency and i promise you will have a great time in the game. I really do hope this will make some of you change your perspections and make you reflect. Thank you for your time reading
21/09/2023- players questions directed to ingame helpers as the server grows and player base increases, the ingame chat is becoming flooded, leading to situations where players asking for guidance and help do not get any attention because the message gets lost and overseen. I would suggest adding a text feature that would enable a player to send that message in a way that alerts all the online helpers and even saves that message to a reachable list for the helpers to see and answer later adding a check mark on that question and deleting it from the list. The feature could be something as easy as adding #helpers inside of the message #helpers Where can i buy a car? This would alert the helpers with a sound and the helpers can then also open a list of all the questions where they can seperately answer each of them retroactively making sure all the questions come around and not get lost making new players feel ignored. Thank you! -
19/09/2023- Storage Lockers I would like to suggest that the storage lockers containing grenades, dildo and spray, would not overwrite weapons that i already have, which is molotovs, camera and flowers. When i collect molotovs from packages and 3 grenades then are replaced with my 50 molotovs it may upset - phone organizator gps function - it would be lovely if while using organizators either for storage lockups or receiving message about a property management, car workshop work etc. that when accessing the organizator and choosing the specific event, there would be an option to set navigation to that place straight from the phones organizator. Could save plenty of time needing to go to any computer to set a navigation point to an event whilist you could set that navigation point right from your phone. Thank you ´=)
19/09/2023- congress related suggestion - - please consider adding an exam before being able to join for congress election, we happen to have a whole bunch of congressmen that have no idea about the taxes and are proposing absolutely ridiculos proposals in specific situations of finance needs. I would add an exam type of " test " that you have to succesfully complete that would then allow you to sign up for election, the test could contain basic functions of the congress ( when the finances are low, what will you do? A,B,C. Does this and that help the finances? A,B,C etc.) That could help prevent players that dont understand and dont have the aimbition to get to understand in the future to avoid congress. Thank you!
to be honest by the time you were creating this thread i believe you would already be finishing another survival.
I myself loose money now and then aswell but i do not request a refund for every penny lost. Iam not saying 100k is nothing aswell as iam not saying it is some unreachable ammount. The thing is, an administrator has to go through alot of log work in order to refund you.
The server has tons of features and bugs like theese happen from time to time, Iam not saying you are not eligible for a refund, iam just saying take it in consideration in such cases.
btw, apart from creating this thread, did you report it in the bug section? ;-)
If you cannot add anything valuable to a case which you from your position can quite literally not, refrain from commenting. And you, akimbo, if you are in a position where you ask for help, do your best to behave in a civilized manner. Thank you both!
03/06/2022- Add more garages to San Fierro. Compared to the the other towns, there are only 2 of them. (LS = 8 , LV = 5)
22/05/2022- Currently you can purchase a one time Jetpack that is given to you immiadetely for 5 Tokens.
I suggest add the possibility to buy a monthly Jetpack package for 100 Tokens that allows you to spawn a Jetpack anywhere, anytime and for unlimited ammount of uses.
Hello, if you intend to report a player, you are supposed to do so in this pre-made thread : https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/cz/topic/34430/ It is not welcome to create a seperate thread if we have one specifically for this. Thank you for understanding
06/05/2022Registered: 10/10/2019
Logged in: 21/06/2024
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