



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all players!

Forum posts (396)

Report for Trolling and mute evade

I dont think its that big an issue. He got his 30mins in game, so this is just a report for him evading mute.

If admins see it, we will mute for it. Wont be more than the 30mins that he was initially muted for usually.

Other than that i personally dont think its something that needs a thread to be made about as there is 2 admins in game.


Thanks for the report!

Please post your proof in your next comment!

USD Deducted by trifle

Hello, A player has 'donated' to the server his 'real' money and accidently hit twice to send you 4.5usd. Now you argue about sending it back. Dont be an idiot... Locked.

Crazy insults and threats

Okay, i have looked through both logs of the last day and found this: Nito: Brian: Nito in future i sugest you stop insulting players, then crying on forums because you cant take it. You are not perfect so i dont even know how you can make this thread... Brian two wrongs dont make a right, you should /ignore him if you feel provoked. Not respond like a child. Anyways you will both be muted for 1 hour & It will go on record that if either of you mute again, you will get more hours, then kick, then ban. Hopefully in future you will keep yourself from insulting in game. Locked.


There is two ways this can go:

1. Pumpkin can return the money and this problem can be resolved & the hotdog van be returned.


2. Pumpkin can be banned and have the money deucted, but the player will not be refunded as he should have watched chat to see auction.

I expect this to be resolved asap before i just choose option 2.

Non speaking English

He was given a 2 hour disable vote.

Thanks for reporting.


Account Sharing Ban

Both accounts have a 30 day ban. May purchase unban if they wish.

This is a clear violation of our rules and with recent events it seems you are incapable of playing correctly.


reporting usher

Usher, use /block in future. And dont speak non english..

Spirous, dont insult in pms..

Carry on doing thse things and you will start with an hour mute and work up towards a ban.
We dont need this immaturity, settle whatever problem you have in game with micros or minigun or whatever.


Reporting Usher For Godmode

This is not enough proof for reasons explained above.


lag or hack

I cant seem to find this player in the logs to check if he has had any problems with anticheat. With this in mind i guess he hasnt been playing the server since, so im sure we will be fine.

Thanks for reporting.


Reporting sMeX for texture bug abuse

If you dont want to die, dont use gangs.

This is using inititive to prevent you running in and out of house, something that has been done for years.


I can't join

This is the same problem which is on this thread, so i will ask somone who may have a better idea to respond. Locking this thread for now.

cant open

You appear to have been playing today so i guess this problem has fixed itself.


//edit - unlocked player has messaged me on forums.

where my usd


Sometimes the payments can take a few days to come through, i suggest waiting abit. Thanks.


This thread is going in some weird direction now...

If you believe a player is cheating, report him and an admin/mod will message you if they need to. You dont need to send sarcy comments to the guy that is trying to make the server a better place by using his own time to catch cheaters... So obviously truth is annoyed by your messages.

Seems the kick is rightful as mano has said.

Im sure truth will be more careful from now on with the words he uses to you as i dont think he realised how sensitive you are, because tbh being told your acting like an asshole is not that big a deal.


Reporting TitoMar For Godmode

The server automatically deals with the players whos pings are too high, so he wont be punished from me for this.

All i can say is if you wanna report someone for godmode, at least shoot the player not the space around him. The video shows nothing other than he had lagg at this time.


Reporting TitoMar For Godmode

As i explained in game:

At first it looks like he is lagging as he does the get off bike animation from a place which is where your shooting at.

At 00:22-00:30 you perhaps hit 2 bullets as your aim hardly ever is on him and from then on you begin to hit more shots. which could be why it looks like godmode

hi need help thanks

Refunded 105k for 35 ammo, as unable to locate other 15 in logs.

ban me for what !

Lak1 made me aware to a video you uploaded. Please see first gyazo link. Wallhacks Screenshot Second link shows what you should see. Difference Please wait 30 days or buy unban here. Locked

hi need help thanks

I can only find loss of 35, can you give me a time for the other 15 otherwise i can only refund for this.

1 2 3 4 5... 20

About TrifleBandit:

Gradually getting better at Samp :)

Helper/Mod/Admin: 2013-2016

Registered: 27/12/2012

Logged in: 27/04/2024

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