Thanks for the review,
We always had to call for pizza when ever we need it, it is not like armour which we can collect easily when ever we get inside our house, using snacks will be better way for replenish your health, we also have beer bottles inside the kitchen which helps in replenish the health but it gives you intoxication, but snacks would be better way to increase your health which we could have in our kitchen .
Hi, Snacks for the House I want to add suggestions based on Snacks for the house, we can buy Armour for house and we can collect it when ever we need it from our house, I want to suggest that we should have something like Snacks to increase our health when we are inside the house rather then using /weed, because it would be better if we could just buy snacks for our house and could use them from Kitchen in order to increase the Health. I often go to my Kitchen and find something to eat but it is always empty :) The things we could do for this suggestion: 1- We could buy snacks from 24/7 and place it in kitchen in bulk amount so that when ever we need to replenish our health , for example 1 snack can increase 25% of health bar . We won't make it permanent snacks and thus we have to refill our Kitchen with snacks often for example we could only buy 50 snacks at a time from 24/7. 2-We can buy Snacks from /shop like we can buy Armour for different amount of days. 3-We can also generate a Snacks Factory which can produce large amount of snacks and players could produce or buy it from another players in order to consume the snacks inside the house. I don't know if these suggestions are already posted by someone or not . If this suggestion is good or even a single idea is good, with some modifications if you want to add on your own please atleast send your reviews on this .
First of all please dont swear in threads or use inappropriate words.
I will recommend you to send a video regarding the issue so that we could check what the problem really is, meanwhile you can try some of fixes like
-removing and inserting your ram again
-update your video drivers
-reinstall the game
Firat time Gold bars on FiveM , i hope that not gonna be difficult, lets enjoy
28/09/2024Bravo team and DZ team from Group 'C' has agreed to play match at 17:30
20/08/2024Team DZ and Mira's team is not responding us so we concluded that Team Bravo (Trevor)and Team RTT(Xversion) will play first match at 18:30 , I request Admins Edward and Tansy to schedule our match from GRUOP 'C'
19/08/2024Hi Try changing your Account currency to USD You can change your currency settings here >> Payments ,Change it to USD
19/08/2024Not able to contact with Mira's team captain on Web , he is not replying my message so i request admins to inform him.
19/08/2024Registered: 04/08/2016
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