



TIvsTIP Thug

Forum posts (56)

Bug reports on SA-MP

I randomly found out that if you enter Pay'n'Spray with an armored car and leave it without respraying for some reason, the armor disappears after leaving, it's insignificant because you can always respray or /respawn, but still.

Loss due to rollback

2 minutes ago my profit from stock market turned from around 138k to -238k, also I had 48.5 million before rollback, now I have 48. I need help, thanks!

I was just banned by server for 5 days for cheats

Yes, I managed to join, Thanks a lot!

I was just banned by server for 5 days for cheats

I was playing for a few minutes, AFK for a few more, ALT tabbed the game, it crashed, then I logged in and server banned me automatically for 5 days for cheats and it said that I have been kicked multiple times for cheats while I haven't actually been kicked for that. I don't mind not playing for 5 days but it's just that I haven't used any cheats. Thank you for your help!

My account has been deactivated, help

Yes but I managed to retrieve it

My account has been deactivated, help

When I try to log in-game I get a text saying "This account is deactivated!". I need help, thanks!

My car voided

And by the way I went with that Comet to search for the Sandking because I already wasn't able to find it beforehand.

My car voided

It's impossible, the Sandking wasn't at the garage, I always /respawn my cars when I don't use them, even if it's true, I should be able to call it from Mors but I can't...

My car voided

What's about it: Full FT Sandking with GL and Stingers bought by [L.H]ElChapo by auction around 17:30-18:00 in-game time for $13,666,666. I saved it in Commerce Garage, I have used it and called it by mechanic multiple times, then after a while I tried to call it again but I couldn't, checked /savedvehicles, Mechanic and Mors Mutual Insurance, but couldn't find anything, so I made this post with the intention of getting it back or getting refunded. If you don't believe you can check logs on this time. Another players nicknamed muneebmughees or so also bidded for it but I won the auction for the Sandking. If there's anything else I need to specify, I will.

My car voided

Im 1000 percent sure I saved it, because I called it multiple times by mechanic to deliver it to where I am. My friend can confirm I called the car while we completed a heist in LV, I'm not that of a newbie to not save a car worth a fortune.

My car voided

I relogged twice, nothing works, I have tried approaching the garage I saved it in, nothing, /savedvehicles, mechanic, mors mutual insurance - nothing worked.

My car voided

Today, around 30 minutes ago in s2 I bought a Sandking for $13,666,666 from auction, saved it in garage, and 10 minutes earlier it disappeared from /savedvehicles, mechanic and I couldn't order a replacement vehicle from Mors Mutual Insurance. I would like a refund or some kind of help if possible, thanks in advance!

Suggestions on SA-MP

Up to $1,000,000 max wager roulette with purple chips, rarer newspaper events once per 24 hours giving more drugs and money (for example mafia money $2,000,000 and 5 kilograms of cocaine). The idea with cocaine is more realistic since there are 6 packages of cocaine in each drug bust which is roughly around 5-6 kilograms if realistic. Taking 6 packages for just 500 grams is kind of insufficient. A third suggestion would be super rare NPC military convoys transporting military vehicles such as Rhinos that could be hijacked and used, they should be typically located in country areas. These ideas would boom and only by them the server would have twice more active players on average!

Lost FT Sandking from rollback

Today, 5 minutes ago around 00:00 ig time I bought a FT Sandking for $8,000,000 from auction with 211 and 0 colors, gun locker and no weapons and a minute later there was a rollback and I can't find it anywhere, neither on Mors Mutual Insurance. I would like a refund, thanks!

Banned for bug abuse

I clicked multiple times the LMB after right mouse button but nothing happened, it is probably due to packetloss, many times I encountered people being AFK while they actually aren't then suddenly they walk/drive really fast due to the packetloss, same thing happened now. I think an unban is the right solution because this happened by accident and many players were banned thanks to my reports and they were mainly cheaters that could harm the server much more, I also have almost 3,000 hours on these servers, do you all think I'm going to care for 10 RPG ammo when I know I could be permanently banned and have my account deleted so I can just save 3 RPG ammo? It doesn't make any sense. I had many times when I lost 20 millions on gambling a day and leave casino without a broken penny but eventually learn and play with dignity, but I never did abuse/cheat and I never will. I also have been banned before without reason 3 times, only 1 was a proper ban when I posted a porn link in chat so I can change my nickname without anybody noticing because I thought an administrator would clear the chat, really, I was that silly but that was it. I hope my effort doesn't go to nowhere!

Banned for bug abuse

I haven't glitched any ammo, like I said, I tried to shoot him with RPG but couldn't due to severe lags and then death feed displayed that he died from me due to an explosion.

Banned for bug abuse

Yesterday, around 23:00 in-game time, I was banned by Administrator LaXuZ for 30 days with reason bug abuse in second English server. I don't know what kind of abuse but I have a version. A player nicknamed Chickenleg attacked me with no objective to do so and I had severe lags after, I thought he ran away, then after the lags he was shooting in opposite direction and still the bullets hit me, then I threw a molotov to disable him and tried to shoot him with rocket launcher and I couldn't due to lags, then he died and in death feed it displayed it like I exploded him, and the next second I was banned for reason bug abuse. I would like to be unbanned or at least have a reduced ban duration and have a more specific reason why I was banned because this is just my assumption and it could be something else. Thanks in advance!

Bug reports on SA-MP Gun lockers don't detect RPG ammo sometimes and if you reconnect shortly after your RPG voids

Lost 300k on rollback

Just recently I lost 300k from rollback and I dont know from what, probably minigames/events, I would appreciate any help!

Suggestions on SA-MP

Ability to have a saved view (the one toggled with V button), its annoying switching cameras every time when you are used to far view

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About TIvsTIP:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 11/12/2014

Logged in: 09/09/2024

Recently played

11 days ago - Played 3 hours and 10 minutes

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4709 hours and 25 minutes

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Make 50 posts on the forums Completed 06/07/2020
Leave 10 comments Completed 11/04/2020
Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 08/02/2020