I was 17 back then, accidentally found on hot summer day samp servers called WTLS.
08/12/2024I would say such jobs as trucker or taxi way better, just chilling around the map while listening to music without any disturbance.
27/11/2024The ghost : https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4f/e5/84/4fe5844c75a7dba29d208b5704ed8fe5.gif
31/10/2024Introducing a fresh person could be far more beneficial than repeatedly bringing the same person again and again to discuss a clan or group of people. and honesty, the previous interviews were much better and felt like deep questions, i'm not attacking anyone or trying be sarcastic but that was my point of view, thank you.
14/10/2024He's not an admin and the best thing he can do is increasing your jail time for five minutes [ for a fee of course ], so don't worry about him.
21/09/2024You're not banned, you just got kicked for writing the wrong password 3 times and it's normal to get kicked for that reason, however, you can chose a new password from this link : https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/linked-accounts/
13/09/2024Registered: 16/03/2022
Logged in: 4 hours ago