Selling Server 3 House id 1123 in SF equipped with a garage Days :17 Interior : medium 3 Price : 10m (can be discussed) Photos :
23/08/2024add instant hood upgrade to premium benefits ( without removing it from /shop)
Thanks .
Hello , I found a bug which when you start drug raid in LV , all NPCs spawn at the same place Proof : upload pic
12/09/2022Fishing Bug : Fix that bug when u open inventory , you can start fishing :
16/08/2022Phone feature suggestion: - add "call log" to phone menu where you can check latest contacts which you have called *this feature can help players to sell drug, chips ect.. Or they can reuse the same service rapidly instead of scrolling down in phonebook.
29/04/2022Add 'contests wins' and 'most contests wins' to /stats and leaderboard.
27/03/2022plz fix bug in stocks market ; today i bought stocks on bawsaq page and i was surprised that all my stocks decrease suddenly (bcz all know that stocks value change every 10min) and these are proofs; i hope this get fixed, i lost 500k :(
12/09/2021Bro can u check plz my activity between 15/05/2021 - 20/05 if my car was saved in my house with colors , idk the reason that deprives me from refund :( . Is it there is no prove that comfirm that i own the car ? or what ?
24/08/2021Bro no, i can see the color of my other colored emergecies like ambulance, firetruck, park ranger , i have this car saved in my house 366 in temple since may / 2021 and i asked 3 of my friends to check it when i am not there and they told me that it was normal color (black and white) :(
24/08/2021Bro I bought this car from player and i never tryed to put a shop color on it . i swear
Bro last colors i bought from /web was color 165 and 53 bcz i bought a red FFT roadtrain and i wanted to chage it colors bcz it will be harmonic with my lvpd and my ambulance (color 165) , i remember i found that random color on /web shop for free and i bought it but i never use it till today .
-i have an lvpd color 53 and i tryed to put a random color which i bought it on /web , Firstly i throught it didn't work but i was surpriced by my car change to the normal color :(
-plz help me i am a victim of this bug bcz all know that adding colors on emegecies is impossible and it wont work
This the proof that i own it :
Plz fix the bug of selling meth to clukin bell in s3 : I can sell 300 meth (according my average purity) but when i sell them he told that I don't have enough plz fix it I lost 900k due to this bug -_-
21/07/2021Registered: 14/10/2020
Logged in: 15/02/2025