The server rules are clear on this. Your mute will eventually expire and I hope you will follow through on your promise then.
07/03/2025I found the issue you're talking about. I'll look into this and get back with more info.
All I can tell so far is that you bought that car earlier today, accused the seller of scamming you (the vehicle was bought for 45m).
And then begged the guy to take it back.
However I can see that it was stored in garage 3.
Please check this and let me know if i missed something.
At this point it looks to me like you're just doing this to annoy the staff. This is your 3rd post about the EXACT same thing in 3 days.
Please check the server rules properly and pay attention to the part of obeying the staff team, because so far it looks like you're not understanding it properly.
Complaint once again rejected. Stop repeating yourself both in-game and on the forums as we'll start increasing your kicks.
If you've got any recordings, please provide those of 02:25 and 02:45-02:49 server time S3. on the 30/01.
(yesterday early morning basically)
If not able to provide any of these, your ban will remain as the proof provided among admins was conclusive.
You knowingly abused a bug without informing staff, and made loads of profit. Your ban remains and your money will be deducted.
30/01/2025You knowingly abused a bug without reporting it, clearly in violation of our rules. Your ban remains and your money will be deducted.
30/01/2025So I pointed out to you, 24h prior to this forum post, that we organize things like carmeets for players to enjoy. Not for players to avoid going there because they might get attacked by you. I've told we don't support this and you kept going none the less. Ive seen a video and you basically repeated exactly what happened the day before. I don't think you're the one who decides over this. Part of the rules is that you're supposed to follow admin instructions, you did not. Therefor your kick was correct.
30/01/2025This screenshot doesn't prove that you were kicked without reason. I've informed the staff who was online at the time and they'll come back with an explanation. None the less based on a very similar thread yesterday, it looks to me like you just went on to do the same stuff...
29/01/2025If you are unable to provide any proof of such allegations, they won't be taken serious.
Your report is rude and doesnt explain anything of your claim.
If you do not join any of the servers in the next 5 days, you will be unbanned.
If you try to join, your ban will be extended to 30 days.
In 5 days you can reach out to an admin and refer them to this forum post. They will check if you followed these conditions and then unban you.
This is in no way an abuse of power.
You clearly were out to shoot loads of players are they're leaving from an event/carmeet.
Admins host events for players to enjoy, not for you to create an easy target on your killing spree. The fact that you were out there just waiting for the event to be over, shows your intentions. If i was online you'd be kicked for this. Instead Jose24 made a safezone. It's his call on how to solve this but in this instance you were in the wrong based on what I saw on your video.
Complaint rejected.
We are not stupid, nor is our anticheat. We are well aware that at the time of your ban, you were using the android version...
The fact that you're lying about it won't help your case in any way, where if you'd just be honest I would have actually unbanned you.
Now your ban is expiring in 5 days, just wait out those days, don't try to avoid your ban on our other servers, and you'll be up and running again soon.
Well yea, the android version has some issues and this caused you to gain advantage over other players, which our anticheat banned you for.
I will unban you this time, but I highly recommend you to go back to using a pc. Since your next ban will remain.
It seems like you were playing from an android device?
There are many known bugs and we have stated multiple times that because of the bugs in the android SAMP version, we do not recommend anyone using it.
I've reviewed your ban and it seems like you were indeed cheating. You remain banned unless you can provide clear video evidence. Yesterday, 24/12 at around: 11:20; 13:35 and 18:00. Looking forward to those
25/12/2024Your request is approved, you can contact an admin in game to remove the limit on your auction for this house and refer him to this post. From my experience this house, as it doesnt have any vehicle slot, might not go as high as you're hoping, but the best of luck!
23/12/2024This house doesn't have a carslot and I'm not sure anyone will pay over 100m for it. Do you have any serious offers or people willing to go above 200 for it?
22/12/2024You are indeed still banned. Please do not play until the 18th as your ban might be extended for doing so.
15/12/2024Registered: 21/01/2014
Logged in: 08/03/2025
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