



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
TheManZ Boss

Forum posts (81)

Account Hacked

Try changing their web password from their email, or send an email to

banned 30days

Hello, im theman and i got banned 30 days for scam, im so sorry and i will give back all robbed usds to owner can forgive me and give me one chance? i dont do that job again i regret it and i will back 25usd today kirekhar2 back and i so sorry i never do that again

Robbed Usds

bro i will send you today 25usd okey ? i so sorry

Robbed Usds

Sir I swear to God that I do not know him I swear that I will not steal his account or iknow him he send me in 12hours 25usd but i dont iknow I don’t know that he sent them to me by mistake, nor do I want ban

Robbed Usds

Initially, someone sent 11 hours earlier 25usd I don’t know I thought he sent them to me by mistake and i sold it in game but you make apply in web say i robbed you bro i dont iknow you and admins you can check and admins Please check msg in web he want me send him 5usd and i swear i dont iknow him you can check admins

Comments to updates on SA-MP

nice new updates

Comments to updates on SA-MP

thx for updates <33333


dont do xp Forming Since it is not a server-side error, your money will not be refunded. But wait for the admins reply

relback server restert

i lost 500k in server restert i want back my money <3
thx admins

The$man scammed me

First thing You are a scam of 4 months and i report you and Ondra give you -3.7m and you say i rob you okey tell me how and i blocked you in discord + in game + you make this a
pply bcz i report you in web bcz you ban evade + you re ban and you try to get me ban nice but you cry bcz you re ban and i want admins check that bcz you try to get me ban
+ nice fake discord see noob

hack acc my friend

A final note, don't forget to remove your edits, as I hope you've learned from this lesson
you can locked this Thread

hack acc my friend

my friend is sleeping now and I don't know anything

hack acc my friend

hi sir my friend have problem
he is sleeping and he not iknow that somone hack acc him
He was impassablestead10 account this guy havk his account , the country change from egypt to Philippines, he sold all his car and he change his name , he play lotto 45m
Amd the main player he is sleeping now he dont know what happen
and my friend is sleeping now he not iknow this hacker buying 16usd and send 16usd in acc him and he change name in web Lacia29

i cant join s2

hi everyone i try to join server s2 but i cant why ? somone help me to open server

Alright, forgive me.

We don't play it in your hand, whatever your mood admins Blood warn you + me warn you for back This is your fault and after that dont try to scam players again you iknow if you get 3banned for scam you will perma now you 1/3 if you get 3/3 ban you get perma Hope you will improve your behavior and never try to deceive the players in the game again

Unban request

First one you scammed me for 100k you say first send me 100k get 200k and i send you 100k but you not send me and send me 1$ only i have screen shot

IMPORTANT! Attacks on the server

Thank you for resolving all server problems I hope it will be a solution for people who cheats bcz anti cheats Because this program does not work well

EVENT! Searching pumpkins

done i got in s2 + s3 thx you niCe for everythink and i hope to /lotto back niCe :D

EVENT! Searching pumpkins

thx niCe For this EVENT <333

1 2 3 4 5

About TheManZ:

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Registered: 29/12/2019

Logged in: 18/12/2020

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Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 13/08/2023
Create a video with 500 views Completed 25/09/2021
Leave 1000 comments Completed 19/11/2020