adding how many hydra , hunter , rustler kills to the player status as record (also other bombing planes)
it seems there is a missing million from my money safe from the last time i checked, if my memory didnt bail on me
Kind regards
Wait for admin respond on your previous thread
Couple of mins ago there was a rollback in s2 and I lost around 200 MG ammos which I bought 20mins ago. I request a refund if that would be possible
25/10/2021Try to follow these steps :
- Check your connections: Make sure your cables and ports are plugged perfectly
- Restart your router or whatever system you using perhaps mobile Hotspot
- Use cable connections (from your router directly to your computer)
- Shut down background softwares or any applications that still operating
- Try updating your operating system to the latest version
after things get solved
10/03/2021although i explained myself clearly you still defending yourselves instead of making some sense out of it , another useless thread from me , thanks! you can lock this
25/01/2021back in that time i asked you kindly and you replied like im begging you or asking something out of your hands so yeah as i told you i asked someone higher than you in level and i've been told the same thing and i did believe it without any further discussions and i did move on so let me correct you its been awhile (long time) since i've been told to not fight even with my lags , back to the subject after spirous wasnt able to hit me with his mg near the small ammu he did pm me saying *you better not fight* , guess what i did ? i checked my PL and it was definitely 0.50 and you can find it on logs i didnt pay attention to any single word of his and yet i killed him once again and about these logs what that means my packet loss for whole day or what you did capture the worst ones in 24hs while this accident did happen just 15 mins ago
24/01/2021as title states *Spirous* , you can say a while ago from 5 mins ago this guy kicked me for 5hs for abusing my network which means lagging while fighting while i wasn't my packetloss was 0.50 and that is completely normal , i wasnt experiencing any lags and im sure and aware of it , once i feel im lagging i never fight i simply giveup and try to fix my own problem simply . before he take this judgment he wasn't able to hit me probably with his mg like he always do , which means he wasnt able to shut me down with his mg that means i'm abusing my network? i was recording at that moment like i always do if any videos needed to prove that i wasnt lagging or something else hit me up and yeah for sure i'm requesting to be unkicked immediately
24/01/2021since players avoid buying guns from ammu-nation due to high mental level and try to buy them from players with cheap prices so since the last update you cannot buy any type of gun from auctions or anyother way so why that would applie on heavy weapons too? since we dont buy mg neither rpg from the ammu
02/11/2020just to keep you on the loop those players that use hydras to kill gang members and end up killing innocent players that well said been done against their will which means ending up getting kicked for 10h for such thing is just exertive
31/10/2020So as the title state the topic is most likely clear even before starting , so s2 is mainly now being turned into a roleplay server with all respect its from my point of view , for like 5mins ago i was flying with my rustler and i was bombing randomly i killed someone and i got kicked for 600mins which is 10hours , although i got a warning to not deathmatch and i already know i will be kicked sooner for 60mins since thats the max value that i experienced .but adding this *new update* that been stated by players and niCe is just inappropriate and again this is my point of view with all respect and i believe majority will agree and as always some will disagree
ps : so i'm just requesting to be unkicked and in the same time its a suggestion even tho not the right place to put a one , thanks
i'm not just talking i'm telling ya right facts , JessiJJ witnessed this and perhaps could confirm it too
25/10/2020in matter of fact it's the right decision. i think you should take a break for those next 5 days , even myself been bombed by you while i have spawn protection straight away when i get out of jail and and i find a car for myself suddenly you show up with RPG. unfortunately i couldnt have full version of the recorded video elseway you could've been banned for it such along time ago , you simply do it once in awhile without any eyes upon you since admins can't keep spectating you whole time and keeps waiting you for that short moment thats why you always get away without any punishments
25/10/2020such quick response is amazing , fixing all those bugs in no time is just wow , gr8 efforts !!!
20/10/2020perhaps you were afk or even playing with third party apps such as fake SA-MP clients?
19/10/2020reaching higher levels over the web for example 100 should be rewarded with some webmoney maybe for like 1 usd .
16/10/2020Registered: 25/06/2017
Logged in: 06/03/2025