Your account is your responsibility, any activity that happens on your account is completely on you. My suggestion is to never use auto-login and pick a stronger password to avoid such things
Don't create multiple threads about the same issue. You will be answered here
26/07/2020You were banned on 29.6, therefore, you will be unbanned at 29.07 midnight. If you have any other questions feel free to message me.
20/07/2020Yes, any mod that gives you an advantage over other players is considered a cheat and will result in a ban.
20/07/2020Hello, it is not permitted by the rules to exchange vehicles as helper Mouad pointed out. It is solely your own mistake for trusting him. I have posted some logs for other admins to review, please wait for an Administrator for final decision
Hello, this is your 3rd time getting banned for multiaccounts. Loppy200 [Zeus]Clan_Master [P.A.K]Ant_Man Block_Hunter CrAzY_GuY Dope alex_queen sweety Mind explaining why all of those accounts logged in from your IP these past few days?
12/07/2020Hi, I have posted some information for admins to review
You can easily find your answer with a simple Google search or check out our helper Andromeda's blog post. For more questions you can message me directly. Thread locked
23/06/2020Your really good internet might not be that good. I suggest close all open apps or simply get a better internet to reduce your packet loss. These logs are only from today and yesterday
23/06/2020Hi, we do not support mods as they can cause trouble for players and also us admins. As stated in the rules you must not promote them.
17/06/2020Administrator DavidPC10 has made a helpful forum post of website bbcode here. Feel free to message me if you have any more questions
16/06/2020You were kicked as a result of killing players under spawn protection in which case refund is not possible. Avoid using hunters and hydras near hospitals in the future. Locking as everything has been explained above
01/06/2020Hello, take a look at this guide on how the custom radio works! If you have any more questions, please message me on web.
09/05/2020Registered: 18/05/2013
Logged in: 27/07/2024