These 2 Houses can be added on the Original WTLS Servers too, I don't get why would it be removed in the first place ngl, It looks amazing
14/04/2023Yeah I'm sorry, I was just too much in disbelive i guess, That i forgot to mention the bug lol
03/04/2023Thank you for pointing that out, But unfortunately you're not benefiting anyone by pointin that out buddy, Because the Thing i reported is the Gang Text on the Property Icon, Look at that, "Gang : Los Santos Vagos" Clearly it got bugged, It's supposed to be the Text for the Gang Icon, But Instead it's showing on the property icon.
03/04/2023Hello, I don't know if this is only 1 time Glitch or something, But as a Member of this Great server community, I feel like it's my duty to inform you guys that Today,I saw something very UNUSUAL and STRANGE, That left me in shook, I still can't belive how can this happen to me, I showed it to my brother / Sister / friends, They all are in disbelive, Anyways this is what i saw today while drifting in San Fiero.
02/04/2023Hello Leg4nd114, Stuttering usually occurs due to your ram being used on its max potential, I suggest you to Open Task Manager and Check how much of your RAM is being used, At least 500mb ram should be free if you want to play without stutters, And you losing the Mg wasn't a fault from server, So I doubt you will be refunded, Sorry for your loss.
20/11/2022Suggestion - When we kill NPC's In drug raids, Each npc must drop some drugs , Instead of getting $15,000 , It would make much more sense because it's a "Drug raid" , We will basically be stealing drugs from other players dealers, The player must not lose the drugs though, Thanks!
19/10/2022Hello FunkyBoyz, Thanks for the report but unfortunately this is not the right place to report such things, If you think a player is breaking the rules you can simply report it to the online admins using /report <ID> Reason, if no admins are online, please report it here , Thank you
17/10/2022 //Ch3 My cute little boy smoking chicha :D
26/09/2022- Add more interesting prizes in Scratch cards such as Cars/Weapons
- Add an epsilon feature by which we can hide our nickname , I remember it's possible to do that in SA-MP, If we activate the epsilon feature our nickname temperory changes to something like undercover_1 , So if we kill someone they won't catch who killed them.
- Suggestion to be able to play music on foot after we purchase headphones from Electric Boulevard
Hello SiaXs3, I'm sure your matter is being investigated, In the meantime if you have something to add, Please use the EDIT Button under your Username, Instead of spamming the thread, Thank you.
05/09/2022The "Cargo" Death match is just too buggy, When you fire RPG at someone, You don't get the kill, Instead they die of "Suicide" And it kicks them from the Death match, You keep getting kicked off the death match for Suiciding..
13/05/2022Congressmen should be able to reduce player's time in jail, If they can increase it, why not decrease too, The time shouldn't go below 1 minute though.
12/05/2022Don't know if this is only happening with me because there's a issue with my GTA Files, But i see a FCR-900 Instead of NRG-500 on the listings of NRG-500 on Autoeroticar Page
05/05/2022Registered: 31/10/2018
Logged in: 08/02/2025
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