



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all players!
Stiffy Motion picture owner

Comments (1262)

Update Reviews - 1st December 2024

Thank you! Great blog post - I really enjoyed reading your opinions. Honestly, this is exactly the kind of feedback that the admin team and developers want to see.

Advent s Minnie

gratulka uz ted k nejvic lajkovanemu a nejvic komentovanemu blogu, protoze 31 prispevku s odpovedmi v komentarich je fakt vykon. Ale grafika je super a cenim, konecne je tu neco bez AI ! duvod viz vyse.. Prave kvuli tomu mozna nikdo nema motivaci blogy vyuzivat, ale kdo vi No hate, just crying.

WTLS Awards 2024 - zahajovací blog

1. kategorie: Bobby
2. kategorie: Haine
3. kategorie: Milking
4. kategorie: -
5. kategorie: -
6. kategorie: Mory
7. kategorie: -
8. kategorie: Sulrii
9. kategorie: Pirush
10. kategorie: -
11. kategorie: ApplePie Production
12. kategorie: Pěstování konopí

Removing Giveaways?

I believe there’s a misunderstanding. This comment was specifically related to my blog-posting contest, where you finished 2nd. I wanted to acknowledge the quality of your blog posts, except for the giveaway post (since giveaways weren’t eligible to participate in this contest). The comment about "hate" was just a joke, as I personally see giveaways as an easy way to gather likes. But this is just my opinion - nothing personal. You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last to host a giveaway here. I though the sarcasm was obvious there, but yeah, I want to make sure we got it now. This rule originated when some players started selling in-game items for real money. As far as I know, this rule has been in place for many many years. However, if you’re following the rules, you have nothing to worry about. If you are not sure, feel free to ask any EN staff member. From what I see here in your giveaways, I wouldn’t be concerned if I were you.

Interview s hráčom Sulrii

haha on ke me vzhlizi, to je sladke komentar pro algoritmus, a samozrejme na podporu Sulrikovi!

YG Blanco - L.A. Confidential [official video]

He didn't copy the idea; he literally downloaded someone else's 8-years old video and uploaded it as his own. If he just took the idea, that would be completely fine.

YG Blanco - L.A. Confidential [official video]

Yeah, I can see the difference between your work and others, which is why it was so easy to find out. I know you’re reading this (but try to ignore it, keep your word!!), so just be more careful next time you try to steal something - at least change the title omg. I’m not stealing anyone else’s work, so I don’t really need help since I know what’s mine and what’s not. But hey, enjoy living in your lies. Sometimes, it’s better to apologise for being a thief than to try and prove your fake claims, but whatever. And yeah, I’m really not mad. If I were mad, I’d delete it right away, as an admin who actually cares about the videos here, as I am moviemaker myself. But I know nothing I guess.

YG Blanco - L.A. Confidential [official video]

And the description was added after my comment. Nice job trying to hide the evidence! You've been busted mate. I know, horrible feeling. However, for anyone who might believe him, the description from YouTube is automatically added here as well. And as I can see, there's no description here (and it's not possible to edit it, lol). But okay, let's try to make the story believable. Let's say you reuploaded someone else's video. Why? Why download someone else's video and upload it to your YouTube channel? Why not just use the original video? I know the answer, but go ahead, give us more lies, please. The only reason I kept the video here is because of these comments and your fake stories, as stolen content is usually deleted. So enjoy. is he always stealing someone else's work?

YG Blanco - L.A. Confidential [official video]

Nice job thief. You downloaded an 8-year-old video and uploaded it to your YouTube channel...

CEO výzva s nožem


WTLS - Mluvení o rozhovorech + omluva

Děláš to jinak, ale rozhovory tu chybí, takže proto jen dobře a jsem rád, že to někdo chce dělat. Mě vždy příprava zabrala minimálně týden + Edit, proto ty podcasty tak rychle skončily, takže pokud tobě příprava nic nezabere, jen dobře jde o to že hráči už moc číst nechtějí, radši si pustí rozhovor do pozadí při hraní. Zkrátka, fandím tomu a díl od dílu to bude jen a jen lepší. Nic nebylo dokonalé od začátku. A i kdybych se k tomu vrátil, vidím to jako dva odlišné projekty, určitě žádný kopírování.

WTLS - Rozhovor 2 - Patrik98

Chtěli jsme obnovit wtls podcasty, ale vidím že to nemá smysl když se jede takhle aktivně tady.. těšíme se na další epizody!

Vyhlášení soutěže a zase nějaký ten rage..

Tohle je bohužel způsob mého vyprávění už nějaké ty roky, takže to nejspíš nezměním, i když očividně to štve a odradilo od účasti víc lidí než jen tebe Každopádně ohledně data fajn point, jsi první co na tuhle chybu upozornil za celý měsíc, protože celý příspěvek mám na mysli tento měsíc/červenec to na konci zmátl větou “do konce srpna”. Asi přepracovanost, takže si za nedostatek účastníků můžu i sám, bohužel už je pozdě na nápravy.

And the winners are.. + some rage

It was a joke since I'm known as a hater of giveaways, so don't worry. All blogs with recent posts were automatically involved and entered the competition. And of course, I'm looking forward to read more from you!

Sticker on my car

reklama na showpark, najs

What is your favourite type of drugs?

Sakyho cesta lottem 14.7.

Koukam ze uz shanis vic penez na lotto, drzim palce

Are the blogs alive? (+contest for 750TK)

Just create your own I'm looking forward to read about it! Good luck y all

Zo Sulriim a z Tomasinom na Heiste S4

Dobre vy (az na Sulriiho)

1 2 3 4 5... 64

About Stiffy:

Administrator [CZ/EN]

Streamer - official gtampcz platforms
Host - WTLS Podcasts
loyal WTLS player since 2k10

Based in Suffolk, United Kingdom
Discord: 0stiffy0
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Registered: 01/11/2010

Logged in: 24 minutes ago

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