



Shwarz Legendary player

Friends (484)

Shwarz and sniper87 are friends
Shwarz and Gile24 are friends
Shwarz and Cidla are friends
Shwarz and Morched23MJ are friends
Shwarz and Jeev17 are friends
Shwarz and Kratos are friends
Shwarz and Hitty47 are friends
Shwarz and iNikkz are friends
Shwarz and Markz are friends
Shwarz and Theseus are friends
Shwarz and DanioWeeBG are friends
Shwarz and Turtle are friends
Shwarz and Blank are friends
Shwarz and Scotty are friends
Shwarz and Pickles are friends
Shwarz and 404LaZzNotFound are friends
Shwarz and Pisssou are friends
Shwarz and MaFiaZ are friends
Shwarz and LegaliZeWeeD are friends
Shwarz and sHady52nd are friends
1 2 3 4 5... 25

About Shwarz:

Never give up on something you really want, it's difficult to wait, but worse to regret.

Registered: 10/12/2014

Logged in: 12/07/2023

Recently played

No gaming activity yet

Most gaming time

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Recent achievements

Create a video with 1000 views Completed 25/09/2016
Add 100 wall posts Completed 20/08/2016
Receive 1000 likes Completed 18/08/2016