



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
SHOBIERjfh Experienced player

Forum posts (21)

all admins read This

i got banned in s3 aimbot and in s1 is aimbot+ cheats

all admins read This

this is my first day of unbanned i never scamm 1 people why my account got 9.5 Please Back it :(

NeW year giveaway

Number>>>>>54<<<< M4Nano

How to use My Paypal account Money here?

lol i want to use My paypal account not this site account how to do that

How to use My Paypal account Money here?

hey admin i have some litle cash in My Paypal account i want to use it here how?

Just tell Wtf!!!!!

i hope he will change his mind my creare on the line in S1

Just tell Wtf!!!!!

nnn the Problem is when i back form kick i will get another one for nothing this who make me angry

Just tell Wtf!!!!!

guys im Angry Because i dont do any thing and i punished with a group of cheaters Guys Ban Who have hight ping thats all My ping is 90 100 last Please Try to find another solution to this Problem because this Solution Impact on me as a player Honest and has achievements not only me there is alot of legend player banned now and thank you!!

Just tell Wtf!!!!!

wtf is this now im sure that They go over me they did that before with out resion and have say its oky and now what the tell is going on i dont cheat i dont do any thing to To deserve this shit can i know wtf!!
link of photo:

Banned For nothing!!!!! wtf

i open today the game to find this banned From Deejva with out resion can i know what i fucking did NO NO NO I WANT
Justice and demand my return AND Ihave pick a screen shot to the sutuation all admins and helpers check it on my profile and have nice day to every one :)

link of the photo:

--- Apply for helper ---

Age:17 Apply:helper languages: english (good) total gaming time : 676 hours gaming time per day 7 - 11 hours Registered on web: 01/09/2016 server: san andreas1( i have read apply requirments and rules of apply described at first post in this thread.

Spec color

i dont know what i say thanks man next time i will try to dont do any thing with out asking aDmins Or helpers

Spec color

Hello if any admin Or helper see this help me please before two days i add color id 25 to my lspd but he didnt spray and my 0.20 eur going in nothing i ask admins to do something about it with all my respact M4]Nano

--- Apply for helper ---

languages: english (good) czesh (xp of 2 years)
total gaming time : 500 hours
gaming time per day 7 - 11 hours
Registered on web: 01/09/2016
server: san andreas1(
i have read apply requirments and rules of apply described at first post in this thread.

--- Apply for helper ---

languages: english only
total gaming time : 500 hours
gaming time per day 7 - 11 hours
Registered on web: 22/07/2016
server: san andreas1(
i have read apply requirments and rules of apply described at first post in this thread.

Helper position

in a minuts ago i complet archivment join 500h so i asked admins to make me helper on the server my age:16 i speak english only

who remove my videos

last time i add 10 videos of music who remove it who could back it?

Please i will not going be do it agian

xD marshall happy new year but im not hacker is a stuped thing happing you dont know him i was wanna to catch my friend zxc_maxing but he dont know i take his money to kidding with him and he tell his friend scotty to ban all who have from 2m and more in server but its over now his money back and he know i was kidding why in still banned?!!!

Please i will not going be do it agian

Please unban me i will not going be do this agian i pramiss all admins and players here no more ignore rulles please another gold chance for me admin pelase reaction!!!!!
please admins just test me!!!!!!

Unban me

Deejva i has login in zxc_maxing account in game and i send to my aCCount m4]..nano.. all his money so please this is not hack and his money its back now why scotty ban me so?!!!

1 2

About SHOBIERjfh:


Registered: 01/09/2016

Logged in: 07/02/2023

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Recent achievements

Create a video with 500 views Completed 03/05/2021
Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 27/06/2017
Create a screenshot with 50 views Completed 26/06/2017