Just look at those eyes it looks like those drug addicts so next trip to rehabilitation center.
04/03/2024Last time I was a criminal and this time I'm a patient you always find a way to make me look bad, at least drop a pizza next time as my payment.
18/02/2024Mila should've at least changed her skin to a girl before taking this pic because my mind gives me weird thoughts which I can't help when I see this couple, I feel sorry for Fnx (Leni ki deni padh gayi) if you know you know as Mila is the alpha in this relationship.
16/02/2024Well am not the type of guy who does stunts, I want participants to have a good challenge in this contests instead of simply doing one easy stunt and getting free tokens that aint my style besides players will be getting opportunity to show their skills to others in my stunt contests as I mentioned that in the last video and also this one perhaps pay more attention on the description of the videos that I post next time.
22/01/2024Stunt contest is over if you like it I'll my best to make at least 2-3 such contests every month when I get time and I'll give opportunity to one of the players to show their best skills to others in this type of videos.
13/01/2024Yes if you mug 3 admins a day that's easy 450k I think it's more than enough Also make sure that time and date are clearly visible while taking screenshots
02/09/2023Let's make this contest more interesting if you mug any admin and post a screenshot on my pms proving that your mug was successfull then you will get a reward of 150k note you won't get reward if you mug the same admin twice a day but don't worry we got alot of admins on s2 so good luck all NO CHEATING
02/09/2023Now I can see all the naughty players of s2 clearly
24/08/2023Registered: 11/07/2017
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