1st category: Shanks
2nd category: Grotti
3rd category: Minato
4th category: Mano
5th category: Noah
6th category: Gte
7th category: DeadMeat
8th category: MaWoni
9th category: no nomination
10th category: Pwnography ( Owned by Viksa )
11th category: Kitty Claw (Owned by UluPoncik)
12th category: Best update might be the Poker
Zann sir , i think that guy just stole my idea of this meme , just check my meme down in your wall , its literally the same as my meme hope you check it Edit: Doesn't matter man i was the first one, of you anyway it depends on what zann laugh and like about it
26/03/2020thats ma boi , but whos that sexy guys with you in the first of the video xD
says this 'adult' : ? pic from 3 years xD at least i reach 17 years old xd
06/01/2018about amount fo money , those money was 120m in server 1 , calculate how much i will be in s3
Same place , same spot , same idea , same hiding the chat not all the way
Registered: 24/05/2015
Logged in: 28/02/2025
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