I'm playing on S2. I was banned by R3dfield for reason 'cheats are not allowed'.
I do not understand what I did... I only joined to event Bomb da Base II then I went to desktop to browse web and when I reentered the game (this only was a few seconds) I was in my office. I don't really understand it, but I did not care about it too much. After a minute I got banned by R3dfield...
The only important thing I can noticed today was about 18:46 when I've doing police job with helicopter, and 2 newbies came around and tried to enter the helicopter which was full, and one of them bugged under the helicopter and pushed me to sky and I got kicked for cheats. I've tried to record it but it happened too fast and my GeForce overlay was turned off and the recording was not started
I also got promoted to helper today, why would I cheat?...
A strange bug happened to me at 2023.01.01 20:56. A cop with a bike was going around me and I heared damage information sound and I gave him > 40 damage somehow and got wanted stars while I was onfoot and just standing idle! I know this sounds weird and I never noticed something like this... please check logs
01/01/2023You can't attack players in office, so why "punish" players who disconnects while inside?
29/12/2022Don't quit to avoid death
This is the reason of why I've been killed when I reconnected to the server... A player rushed me with banshee to 50 hp but I've exploded his car and went to office, then left the server. When I came back I got killed by server for nonsense reason and also lost my weapons
No. It's not fixed, but I don't care anymore. I've spent 10 minutes to write all bugs which I found here and in my other thread (https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/80520/#post-698706) and you guys just close it because I did not found the CZ thread where bugs report should be posted. I messaged an admin and he only said I should post it on the forum. I did it. So I do not have time for this.
18/07/2022but my taco vendor skills also lost not only the police officer one. And I was playing as a paramedic today and got at least 10 skills but on the picture you can see 0
I've noticed some very annoying bug which has to be fixed asap
- When your client crashes and you log in next time you'll be killed for 'avoiding death'
- When you flying with a plane and going too fast (??) your speed is set by the server to low and you also can hear break sounds (this happened for me multiple times when tried to take off with a plane)
- Pickup / checkpoint markers not always detect you hit them. I was president on protect the president event and I had to turn back many times because the server did not recognize I hit the marker. This happened for me also today when I tried to pick up a police bribe
- When I entered to my motel my car dissapeared most of the time. When I had an active job it says 'you have to get back in your vehicle...' and puts marker on the vehicle, the marker is not visible, the car is gone.
- My message got censored and I also got muted for writing 'mental state'
- After a while you cannot preview cars at the Saloon because it's all of the vehicles despawned and not spawning anymore.
Also please add a bug reports thread
Hey I've noticed today about 7 PM I've lost most of my job stats. I was playing yesterday a lot as taco vendor and police officer and I've earned about 1 million doing theese jobs but now my stats only show theese values: https://i.imgur.com/vubEyMS.png This is impossible I should have about 30 police officer skill and more than 50 taco vendor skill, as I remember I got the 50 sold taco achievement too. My other stats are good username is rasheed
18/07/2022Police job Unable to kill criminal NPC https://i.imgur.com/4j4YmIl.jpg
13/07/2022Edit 2: I've purchased that car again then it said it saved to garage 4. I've checked mechanic, and it showed all of my 3 cars. Then I've purchased some modifications and have a fight with Vedran, both of us died and my car is exploded. I wanted to call mechanic and spawn my car, but it was only showing 2 cars now, my Ocelot Pariah lost again... I purchased it 3.time and it was fine until I modded the car. When I left mod shop it was dissapeared again https://i.imgur.com/rhIide0.jpg Same thing happened with Comet S2 Cabrio https://i.imgur.com/HLs3IvS.jpg https://i.imgur.com/iGYgV5o.jpg
13/07/2022At garage 66 there is a marker at the left door, but when you enter to the garage you are teleported to the right one https://i.imgur.com/2x6cgOC.jpg https://i.imgur.com/b9QQNkj.png Edit: I lost car Ocelot Pariah which you can see on the first picture. I cannot see it through mechanic call and also checked all garages and cannot find it. I have 4 garages and 2 vehicles stored
13/07/2022... https://i.imgur.com/vyPyi6G.jpg Destroyed it, but the marker is still on my car. Later when it's dissapeared, i was unable to call my car again https://i.imgur.com/FIOCDUc.jpg Edit: It's spawned but without any modifications and not delivered + When I tried to use /lock it said You are not in vehicle https://i.imgur.com/uK1J3rh.png Something is still not right ... xd https://i.imgur.com/q3DmU6c.jpg Tried firefighter job and got fire extinguisher, but it does not have weapon icon https://i.imgur.com/d3EelMT.png
13/07/2022Trucker bug https://i.imgur.com/0T3yJLn.jpg + the money change text remained on my screen The gate is opening very very slow https://i.imgur.com/gCY1gne.jpg Something wrong with valet job? https://i.imgur.com/u2pVALm.jpg https://i.imgur.com/J8Zwu6l.jpg
13/07/2022Excuse me, what? Then why don't you update your code to support inventory through dialog and interaction menu vice-versa? Players prefer dialog based inventories because it's 10 times faster than navigating through textdraw based interaction menu
16/12/2021$600,000 for a Hydra and $750,000 for a Hunter? That's a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!
03/09/2021Wrong text position if boosts window is open https://i.imgur.com/JH3dmJG.png
25/08/2021I don't think you're an admin or moderator so I don't understand why are you posting trash here?
15/08/2021Registered: 24/02/2019
Logged in: 03/02/2025
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