



Radiicz Legendary player

Forum posts (67)

Accusing me that I'm using Ping Amplifier

I was banned by the administrator name DanHauser after He accused me of using a ping amplifier. It seems that the ban was influenced by the administrator’s personal frustration with me rather than an impartial evaluation of the situation. My intention was to address on what I believed to be a violation, but it appears that the administrator's reaction was more about their personal feelings towards me than about the validity of my concern.

Ps. Please look at this behavior of this admin Name DanHauser, Asia ping have 200-300 minimum ping It depends in the Internet what you use. and I got banned my ping was 210-230

can i get Unban

i got banned for using VPN for mistaken i forgot to turn it off because i was playing Valorant at that time to lower my ping on valorant after that i wanted to play a gta samp but. i didnt notice that im still using a VPN im hoping that you will unban me thank you sir/maam

S3 NAME: bMz_radiicz

Got muted idk why

i got muted for 30 minutes by olala idk why i just log in

Poker bug refund me

i forgot :( but @Luffy12 know because he is my opponent on poker

Poker bug refund me

but the second round bro i got 1k chips and my enemy got 80 chips and we tie and he got my all chips how? HAHAHAH

Poker bug refund me

Poker bug refund me 1m pls its a tie same cards then i all in with 1040 chips but my enemy only got 80 chips and we have same cards so draw after that my chips back 80 wheres my chips go?

CHECK LOGS Please poker is bug promise

AdRevenue Kick me lag abuse

s1 and s3 is have difference sir dont compare to s1 damage okay?

AdRevenue Kick me lag abuse

Brooo were from asia thats why we got this ping because the server of niCe is too far on Asia you can go s1 if you dont want to see a 200ping+ dont come s3 then

AdRevenue Kick me lag abuse

AdRevenue Kick me Lag abuse. But i have 0.00 PL i dont know why he kick me ,he kick me without warning or anything the reason why he kick because i got 200+ ping but this is our normal ping because we belong in ASIA

ps. this is not s1 ! i played s3

Raiyou mute me idk why

Im just asking about of Bus JOB why i got mute? is that forbidden im just wanted to ask to helper only

Lottie Banned me for cheats

Can i see the proof i want video thanks! i think you banned me because you mad on me S3 PLAYER !

Ashley what is your Problem

Let me see the prooooooofffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff you can check my ip its desame omg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Ashley you can check my ip now its Desame without MultiAccounts !

Ashley what is your Problem

Check my ip i didnt USE VPN !!!!!!!!!! I have A Own Computer ! and you can check MY IP Address TSSSSS -_- i know you hate our CLANS "OutLaws" but its too unfair. to banned me i never use VPN Or etc :3 -_- ] edit what did you said Stampy can you please STFU ? You are not an Admin or etc !!!!!!

Comments to updates on SA-MP

Amazing Updates niCe_ Keep it UP :)


What site can i post photo or video like memes in Comment? Edit: Thanks bro :

zOOz Birthday

Happy Birthday Zooz i choose number 59

Special Easter event [S2/S3]

i was first :(

Special Easter event [S2/S3]

Goodluck Guys :))


Unbanned ME you cant show the original logs ! cmon !!!!!!!!!! for godsake


And please.. dont edit your. logs okay? let me see what inikkz show ?

1 2 3 4

About Radiicz:

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Registered: 22/07/2014

Logged in: 01/03/2025

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