I have lost my account early but i solved the problem and i got it back so Unfortunately i lost my lspd 155/1 by the hacker that stole my acc if you can check the logs how the car has disappeared
27/09/2024yes done but i found my lspd car 155/1 stolen?
is there any possibilité to get it back
well i just back to the server today after a long time. someone started a tdm match i joinned after few minutes i got kick reason Teaming is strictly prohibited , how did i team while i'm already in a team death match game? i guess the kick was wrong as you can see in picture we're in same team how i can kill him "by the way i tried shooting him " and no body joined the other side of the guy who reported us he thought that we're in dm or smth ? i don't really know what's wrong here exactly https://i.imgur.com/Kt7HJ6Q.png
16/10/2023Sharing accounts with others is strictly forbidden and very dumb. and also It is your own fault and next time think twice before you do something like this.
NOTE: whatever the player did to the account, whether he spent your money or wasted any weapons you had, you will not be refunded since you are the one who gave out your account details!
First of all please use "Edit" button beneath your avatar to avoid spam, an administrator will reply you soon ,, be patient!
01/11/2020Thanks https://www.designbolts.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Happy-Halloween-Wallpaper-1.jpg
30/10/2020Actually that was your fault and It is also mentioned in the Server Rules that sending money or trading stuff is at your own risk and responsibility. Read more about Punishments for scamming
27/10/2020make another user as administrator and try to join the game it will be fixed same error happend to me last time
let me know if your error fixed
I would suggest you to remove "anticrash.asi/anticrash.cs" any kind it is it will raise your chance to crash/Warning Exception codes. reinstall GTA and SA:MP, then crack your game with the version "GTA_SA.EXE 1.0 US"
also also i've noticed that your game crashes "if "when you are inside vehicle, then that could happen due bad audio files, reinstall your game and install the original version of audio.
Actually that was your fault and It is also mentioned in the Server Rules that sending money is at your own risk and responsibility. niCe's Quote:
08/02/2020First of all admins won't ban players without any proofs. You might have done something wrong which is against the /rules. Wait for an admin to reply with some proof.
23/01/2020You were kicked not twice, or thrice to fix your connection so you wont gain any kind of advantage while fighting any players but you still doing it You can purchase unban through Game Shop after 5 days.
17/01/2020If you got kicked then you were either cheating or lagging. If your game crashed then you got problems with your GTA. Quote from niCe:
16/01/2020Registered: 01/07/2019
Logged in: 27/09/2024