



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Pokis Gamer

Forum posts (9)

Suggestions on SA-MP

We all know its boring sitting in a painstakingly slow mule all day collecting crates over and over again and you wish that it was faster somehow... Yes you can buy a FT mule but that changes little to nothing (mostly acceleration) so i suggest having another car for the job. You would be able to buy a burrito or a pony (maybe in the upgrades tab) then you would be able to zip across all of the crates in no time. Maybe burrito can only hold 1 crate but its the fastest, pony is in the middle with average speed and crate cap. and the mule has the most crates yet its slow (that could also be added for crate sales the more u sell the bigger the car you have to have). You might be asking why i am suggesting this, its because i dont see many people doing crate missions right now and i think this would make people come back to buying and selling crates :))

Possible Warehouse Upgrade?

oops sorry i posted it in the wrong thread

Possible Warehouse Upgrade?

We all know its boring sitting in a painstakingly slow mule all day collecting crates over and over again and you wish that it was faster somehow... Yes you can buy a FT mule but that changes little to nothing (mostly acceleration) so i suggest having another car for the job. You would be able to buy a burrito or a pony (maybe in the upgrades tab) then you would be able to zip across all of the crates in no time. Maybe burrito can only hold 1 crate but its the fastest, pony is in the middle with average speed and crate cap. and the mule has the most crates yet its slow (that could also be added for crate sales the more u sell the bigger the car you have to have). You might be asking why i am suggesting this, its because i dont see many people doing crate missions right now and i think this would make people come back to buying and selling crates :))

An Error Occured 1001

whats happening

Ban Apeal

Hi to anyone whos reading this,
I got banned for 10 days for stats boosting
I know thats not much, but for an active player it is, I just broke when i got the ban
I learnt my lession, i wont do this again, I'll get those 50race wins legit
I've had alot of things planned on the server with my ceo associates on my birthday(10-31) but my ban expires (11-01)
If i can't be unbanned atleast shortern the ban
Sorry for any inconveniences, and thanks in advance

Suggestions on SA-MP

i bought the office and buissnes just that i could make money this way it would be cool if ceos could do ceo work too

Ceo's should be able to do ceo work too

the title says it all
i bought the office and buissnes just that i could make money this way it would be cool if ceos could do ceo work too

if my house expires can i still get my car somehow

i would really like to get my nrg bcz i invested alot of money in it...

can i use free cam to like record videos yes

yes the title says it all c:

have a good day


About Pokis:

Hi im pokis and i do stuff

Registered: 25/08/2016

Logged in: 05/07/2024

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7 months ago - Played 5 minutes

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630 hours and 40 minutes

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Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 03/02/2025
Create a screenshot with 50 views Completed 10/11/2023
Play 500 hours on game servers Completed 03/07/2021
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