Server- WTLS 3 Name- Pheonix Taking offers for house in idlewood (499) and ganton (450) 499-Idlwood, with slot for 120 days 450-Ganton, with slot for 123 days Feel free to message me on web Note-days of these house were noted at date-23/11/23
23/11/2023Selling s3 Idlewood house with CS for 130 days <id-499> Taking offers for this house, feel free to pm me in-game or /web. In game name-Pheonix, web name-Pheonix Note-This add is just for taking offers
Server-WTLS 3
in game name-xGamerz77
-Hello, I bought jetpack from /shop sometime ago for 10 tokens.But i left it for 2-3 minutes for some work and when i came back it got disappeared.Can i get a refund in this case <if possible>.I tried this thing many times, it usually does not despawn that quick.Thanks! Have a good day.
Hello, It's not allowed to make thread on behalf of other players.Say him to send a email on
19/03/2023Gang suggestion :- Suggestion 1-Add more gang ranks in between 1k to 5k like there is no rank between these 4k skills. Suggestion 2-Add a option in gang in which group of gang bosses (min 2) can start gang war between a particualr gang and winner gang and it's gang members will get a high payout (Timing for war in total -5 days) Suggestion 3-Add more ranks in skills between 5k to 10k.
Can you please tell where are you from?Because some days ago people near India region were facing high pl and ping problem.Even I was suffering from high pl and ping.
Hello, I suggest you to read Kazuha's Blog in which he covered most of the crash codes and it's fixes or you can also try to re-install SA-MP and GTA SA. Here's the Kazuha's Blog.
15/03/2023Finally now I can grind some skills and money now, Thanks again for the bonuses
12/03/2023It's a very common problem, just play with a stable connection then you will be able to join.
11/03/2023//Edit=It's just not showing on my screen but when i parked van at that radar point it was done.
06/03/2023Just ignore him, some people do this to get money from another players.
05/03/2023It's a common bug just don't move in /jl if you face this bug or else you might be get kicked for cheats.
05/03/2023Hello, when i try to deliver gun on my mullholand drug hood <mad dog crib one> then there is a bug, in map it shows a marker on roof of crib but when i go there there was no marker to deliver guns i checked whole crib from outside. Here are some ss. Thanks
05/03/2023Okay thanks!
I thought that it's a bug that's why it's showing in active threads section.
There is a bug on /web forums section like a thread named "Bonus" was under the active threads section but when I visited that thread it was locked, I saw this bug many times.
02/03/2023Hello, First read unban rules first .And do it in correct format like your in-game name, server where you got banned etc.And make sure to upload some proofs also like video before you got banned.
12/02/2023Registered: 29/01/2022
Logged in: 03/11/2024