ik that u were having 3b in s1 and u'r a old s1 player, u just shifted u'r 2b to s3... but thats very cooooooool
07/10/2021well... i wanted a sawn 1v1 between u and Insane, plz try to get that one too
07/10/2021yes abraar, ik i used cheats in s3 and i already got banned for using cheats but this ban is not right and from now onwards i'm gonna record also as a proof that i dont use any cheats
11/09/2021i never scam mother fucker, ask to all those people who won my giveaways
07/09/2021shut the fuck up motherfuckin asshole, i dont use cheats, i'll give u a fuck lemme get unbanned
07/09/2021xDDDD... its very risky but still.. good xD
06/09/2021Registered: 09/02/2021
Logged in: 10/10/2021