its DirectX 2.0 , you need to watch some tutorial that how to run it , or it won't work
26/10/2020Stop crying and farming XP , there are tons of ways to earn XP on /web , but farming Xp like this way ? NAH don't provoke me to make a particular video on you , on your Professional "skills"
24/10/2020Aimbot is already installed , was using it tho , didn't noticed? Aw maybe am pro in hidin like Fanta lul
23/10/2020BRUH everyone who noticed Windows Activation , i have done it so chill xd
23/10/2020Tho i heard these songs from a different Youtuber who's name is BeYouNick , an Indian youtuber , but tho i guess its kind of Deja vu , but you can't copy the skills , cuz you need your own :D //EDIT :- oh shit this Video Starts like same like i did , WTF that's deja vu for sure
23/10/2020Also Well yea only kill you many times in a fair 1v1 ....
23/10/2020and tho instead of Toxicity , thanks ya'll for your positive comments <3
22/10/2020Joker the video clearly shows you doing 3v1 with me , so better watch and then comment , also get out you are just being toxic chick here
22/10/2020Tho i made this montage for fun not kids like you who don't know how to aim and hold mice and just aimbot and get banned , also if you banged me then show me your recordings , always doing 7v1 and then you say cry , run , noob , kid bla bla , in this video i showed most of my 1v1 not like you
22/10/2020Well , no , it's not his lag , MedReda tho uses godmode , ab and autoscroll , and i have enough proof to bust him
20/10/2020Tho he's the sane with me , i might dig up my recordings and make a video on him , using AB on mg and Lag.cs or Godmode cuz no damage tho , kinda wierd
19/10/2020Bro that clip in which you were bugged while fighting SoMi and he couldn't kill you lmao , best part haha
Amazing montage tho , tho still laughing on SoMi :kekw:
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Logged in: 01/11/2020