admins pls help me .. im nothing use cheets. but i was kicked out of the game. if possible please look into it and let me play againm nothing use
Name : SL_1
Im auction my minigun 20ammu start price 400k and sever rollback is no get minigun or money
Name : SL_1
Im auction my minigun 20ammu start price 400k and sever rollback is no get minigun or money
Hi admins
My name lilNiroSh.
Playing in s2
My pc dead and im new playing is android . I have no money to buy new pc .
Im normal playing in android . Not use minigame,event,killing players, .
Game admins kicked me result ( relog pc now or banned) ..why ban me im normal playing
Pls tell me i again android playing or No ..
Im bid 2200001 fro minigun 133 ammu .. and no get my mgs kik fro lag and i relog .. i have no.minigun 133 ammu .
Im play s2 . My name lilNiroSh. Pls
account name Hit_GirL .. im auction minigun 5000ammu 52400000$ and i have lose my ping is im relog in game . sever is not get my minigun or my money i have lose 52.5m pls admins help me
account name Hit_GirL sever name sanandreas multiplayer 2 pls admins i dont know proxy . im conect in mobail hosprot pls chek me and unban me thanks
09/01/2022account name : Hit_GirL . im not using vpn and im use hospot and mobil conection . my network mark high ping and i changed netwok mobile or hospot pls unban me im gd player i dont have cheat pls admin chek and unban me ? . thank you
08/01/2022Game name Hit_GirL
Sever name s2
Web name nirosh123
Reson proxy
Pla chek and unban me i have no cheets or other pls
Game name Hit_GirL
Web name Nitosh123
Sever name s2
Reson proxy
Pls chek and recovery my account
pls chek me and unban i have no cheet . unban me or lose my cars = (money) sever name s2 game name Hit_GirL
06/01/2022pls i dont have aimbote or other cheet and i will banned from sever ?
pls chek and unban me or lose my vehicals = (money) pls adminstor chek it pls
bug my rpg 830ammu in game sever s2 my game name is [SL]_NiroSh
31/12/2021pls bug rpg 830ammu
31/12/2021K_night is sell sfpd with color 53-1 and i buy he is telling "buy sfpd and give mg 140ammu " now i buy sfpd and he is hit my car and boom my car pls lose my 19m
30/12/2021Registered: 20/05/2015
Logged in: 05/01/2025