



niCe Lead Manager Legendary player

Forum posts (23015)

Bug reports on FiveM

Thank you, typo corrected.

11 hours
Updates on FiveM

[News] - Added over 30 new skateboards - Added 16 new fish models [Enhancements] - Reworked interior of the pet shop, skate shop and sex shop - Updated images in the hunting compendium - Improved icons for speaking in voice chat [Changes] - Moved the shell dealer in Legion Square - Spawn protection will be removed in the money zone - Players will be killed if they jump onto the pool table during a game - Suicide can only be committed 5 minutes after spawning - Fixed bug, when pool game always set you were playing on the black - Fixed bug, when the notebook in the office wouldn't close after joining an event - Fixed bug, when players could be killed in self-defense after an event if they attacked someone during the event - Fixed navigation to the lowrider challenge - Fixed bug, when kills with an RC models were not credited properly

17 hours
Updaty na FiveM

[Novinky] - Pridano pres 30 novych skateboardu - Pridano 16 novych modelu ryb [Vylepseni] - Predelan interier zverimexu, skate shopu a sex shopu - Zmeneny obrazky v lovecke prirucce - Lepsi ikony pro mluveni do voice chatu [Zmeny] - Presunut skorapkar na Legion Square - V zone s penezi se zrusi spawn ochrana - Hraci budou zabiti, pokud vyskoci na kulecnikovy stul behem hry - Spachat sebevrazdu pujde az po 5 minutach od spawnu [Opravene bugy] - Opraven bug, kdy se v kulecniku vzdy nastavilo, ze hrajete na cernou kouli - Opraven bug, kdy po pripojeni na event se nezavrel zapisnik v kancelari - Opraven bug, kdy vas mohl po skonceni eventu zabit hrac v sebeobrane, pokud jste jej napadli na eventu - Opravena navigace k lowrider soutezi - Opraven bug, kdy se nepripisoval kill za zabiti RC vozitkem

17 hours
Paypal blocked

It has been blocked, because you filled unrightful dispute on PayPal in 2016 and stole money from us. Your PayPal account will remain blocked. Use different payment method.

nejde mi koupit skin na webu

Nejde je pomerne siroky pojem, muzes upresnit co presne ti "nejde"?


Dostal jsi jasny pokyn od administratora, abys prestal obtezovat hrace a vyvolavat hadky. Misto abys tento pokyn uposlechnul, choval ses arogantne a pokracoval jsi ve vyvolavani konfliktu. Tvoje umlceni tak bylo opravnene a tato stiznost je neopravnena, proto odecitam poplatek 5M hernich penez v souladu s nasimi pravidly.

Mute před banem ?

Duvody jsou radne uvedeny, neni zde co vysvetlovat.

Daily objective streak reset

It was most likely your own fault and 10 days is not that much.

Updates on FiveM

[News] - Added 10 new fish for fishing - Added option to hide player name tags in settings [Enhancements] - Shell game added to /help [Changes] - Players can no longer be arrested during minigames - Adjusted table object for the shell game - Modified some fish objects that were not displaying correctly - Sturgeon is now larger, allowing better placement in fishing contest - Possibly fixed a FiveM bug causing issues during helitour - Fixed bugs with the pool game

Updaty na FiveM

[Novinky] - Pridano 10 novych ryb na rybareni - Do nastaveni pridana moznost skryt name tagy hracu [Vylepseni] - Skorapky pridany do /help [Zmeny] - Nepujde zatknout hrace na minihre - Upraven objekt stolu pro hru ve skorapkach - Zmeneny nektere objekty ryb, ktere se nezobrazovaly spravne - Jeseter je nyni vetsi, takze muze pomoct k umisteni v rybarske soutezi [Opravene bugy] - Mozna opraven bug FiveM, ktery zpusoboval bugy pri vyhlidkovem letu - Opraveny bugy u kulecniku

100 hours bleet mute

We generally want our players to avoid politics and religion on our servers, as that was often triggering confflicts between players. Therefore it is not allowed on our servers to avoid potential problems.

hrac a ab pri duelech podlozene clippem

Mas klip? A muzeme ho videt?

Updates on FiveM

[News] - Added pool game - Added NPCs to Three Hawker Boys and The Lust Resort - Added shell game - Fixed bug, when team chat from one minigame was visible in another minigame - Fixed bug, when aircrafts did not despawn at the car meet - Fixed bug, when camera could not be moved on Del Perro Pier attractions

Updaty na FiveM

[Novinky] - Pridan kulecnik - Pridany NPC do Three Hawker Boys a The Lust Resort - Pridany hry o skorapky [Opravene bugy] - Opraven bug, kdy byl videt team chat z minihry na jine minihre - Opraven bug, kdy se na tuning srazu nedespawnovala letadla - Opraven bug, kdy na poutovych atrakcich neslo hybat kamerou

Bought tokens with ltc

We do not offer payments with LTC, so I wonder how and where you made it.

Updates on FiveM

[News] - Added lowrider challenge [Enhancements] - Improved zombie animations and sounds when killing a player - Enhanced goods picking up animation during burglar job - Optimized map icon loading system when player connects - Added more music types for dance challenges and a new track now plays on Cayo Perico [Changes] - It will no longer be possible to enter a vehicle hooked by a tow truck - Secondary color can now be changed on the Annis Euros Classic - Camera settings will be restored after finishing the dance minigame - Fixed bug, when the kill after an RC vehicle explosion was sometimes credited to someone else - Fixed bug, when vehicles couldn't be controlled after the lowrider contest ended - Fixed bug, when mushrooms glowed in the dark - Fixed Drusilla's interior - Fixed bug, when Battlepass skins had no preview in the wardrobe

Updaty na FiveM

[Novinky] - Pridana lowrider soutez [Vylepseni] - Lepsi animace a zvuky zombie pri zabiti hrace - Lepsi animace sebirani zbozi pri vykradani domu - Optimalizovan system posilani ikon na mape po pripojeni hrace - Pridano vice typu hudby na tanecni souteze a na Cayo Perico nyni hraje nova skladba [Zmeny] - Nepujde nasednout do vozidla, ktere ja zahaknuto odtahovkou - Na Annis Euros Classic pujde zmenit druhou barvu - Po skonceni tanecni minihry se vam obnovi nastavena kamera [Opravene bugy] - Opraven bug, kdy se obcas kill po vybuchu RC vozitka pripsal nekomu jinemu - Opraven bug, kdy po skonceni lowrider souteze neslo ovladat auta - Opraven bug, kdy houby svitily ve tme - Opraven interier Drusilly - Opraven bug, kdy u Battlepass skinu v satniku nebyl nahled skinu

s4 - issue

Some Indian "hacker" is currently crashing S4. We're working on deplying a fix to prevent him crashing it. Please be patient.

Stracený účet

Nejake blizsi udaje o svem uctu vis, podle ktereho bychom mohli identifikovat, ktery ucet to je?

Updates on FiveM

[Changes] - If players ram others without reason, their car will be destroyed - Fixed bug, when music continued to play after the dance challenge ended - Fixed bug, when cars did not wash in the car wash - Fixed bug, when changing skin reduced HP - Fixed bug, when it was possible to shoot RPG from a helicopter as a passenger - Resolved bugs with NPCs that appeared on the server yesterday - Possibly fixed FiveM bug, when the mechanic sometimes did not exit the vehicle - Fixed bug, when infobox stating you can collect hidden package was shown on minigames

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About niCe:

Zahrajte si na nasich vybornych hernich multiplayer serverech pro GTA!

San Andreas Multiplayer
Liberty Unleashed
Vice City Multiplayer

Vsem hracum preju spoustu zabavy!

Registered: 07/12/2009

Recently played

1 day ago - Played 10 minutes
26 days ago - Played 10 minutes
8 months ago - Played 5 minutes

Most gaming time

3704 hours and 45 minutes
522 hours and 40 minutes
145 hours and 50 minutes

Recent achievements

Buy 100 lottery tickets Completed 07/09/2024
Buy 10 lottery tickets Completed 07/09/2024
Buy 50 lottery tickets Completed 07/09/2024