Hello, Its web suggestion here please post your suggestion in Suggestion on SA-MP
13/01/2025Hey, can you send a picture of your Gifts in /menu > items and clothes?
26/12/2024Hello, You can download FiveM Game Client at Download Game Client and get FiveM servers address at Game Servers if you have any more question feel free to pm me.
26/12/2024Hey, go to this website imgur.com/upload, upload your image get copy link and share it here
19/12/2024Hello, its not a bug Most Money top is for the money that players have on their inventory not on safe , so the money saved on Safes won't count on Most Money top.
13/12/2024Hello,you can find it here There used to be an option to purchase liveries with various symbols. These liveries were removed because they only display correctly for players who have the Wingdings font installed on Windows. This font used to be installed by default, but nowadays, it is often not installed. As a result, these liveries are bugged and only visible to some players, while others cannot see them. For this reason, these liveries will gradually be removed in upcoming updates, and players will be refunded the original price of these liveries, which was $640,000.
Try call to Mors Mutual Insurance in /phone > phonebook > Mors Mutual Insurance to get your vehicle back , also make sure to save it on garage , /gps > Garage to locate nearest one.
Hello, its not a bug , some players use admin tag when it's not necessary and administrators will delete them
14/11/2024Hello, you must register account in WTLS 3 after that you will be able to link that account on your web account.
09/11/2024Hello, If your account is linked in Linked Accounts then there's nothing to worry about , you won't lose it if you be inactive for a long time. If you have any more questions pm me on web.
09/11/2024Hello , You can find all information about Obelix's Tournament in this blog Message me on web if you have any more questions.
05/11/2024Hello , I had this problem before also and I tried to restart my pc and it got fixed , you can try restarting your pc also maybe it fix for you too.
30/10/2024This will count as Goods from train stolen stats not for Electronic goods stolen
03/10/2024can you send me screenshot of that Error? // check out this Blog it can be helpful for your problem https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/blogs/twinkies-s-blog/run-time-error-especially-for-sa-mp/
21/09/2024Registered: 28/08/2021
Logged in: 31/01/2025
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