IGN : Naaain69 Server : WTLS 3 Complaint : I was thrown into the sea without any clear reason and that could be called using admin power in an inappropriate way. Additional information : The incident started when I attacked a CEO who was doing the "CEO Challenge" and when the CEO died I was thrown to swim. Note: The previous thread was answered with something I did not mention. I was talking about sending me to swim, not the mute" https://i.imgur.com/SngDtCv.png
17/04/2024IGN : Naaain69
Server : WTLS 3
Complaint : I was thrown into the sea without any clear reason and that could be called using admin power in an inappropriate way.
Additional information : The incident started when I attacked a CEO who was doing the "CEO Challenge" and when the CEO died I was thrown to swim.
i joined event, and my rhino stucked no reason can i get refund ? i have proof
05/09/2021Age: 13
Languages:Indonesian (naitive speaker), English (learing 2 - 3 years )
Gaming time on server: 1129 hours
Gaming time per day:8hours
Registration on web:05/05/2014
Server 3
I have read apply requirements and rules of apply described at First post in This.
Rody i don't know how to post picture :( , let me win 500k please.. :(
22/07/2016Apply For helper position
Age: 17
Language : Indonesian ( Native Spekaer ) English ( Learning 5 Years )
Total Gaming Time : 1011 Hours
Gaming Time Per day : 6 - 12 Hours
Registration on Web :05/05/2014
Server : San Andreas 2 ( s2.gta-multiplayer.cz:7777 )
I have read apply requirements described at First post in this thread.
Registered: 05/05/2014
Logged in: 07/03/2025