How do my titles and gold tint of my tec9 and combat shotgun gone?
27/08/2017Hello Sir, I have been taking player who told me that he is Admin Theseus and the player name = Ngutz... This is my proof
19/04/2016Nick : PlayBoi_WhiTe
Server to compete : S3
Fight Event : Minigun
That problem about Multi-Accounting is being fixed by Necro and I'm not doing it again
If I there's one playing on my same IP address in Server its not mine,It's on my brother MixPrints old name (TokareV) account.We are sharing connection.
san andreas multiplayer 2
banned until: 06/08/2015
explain please what wrong am i doing?
Applying for : Helper on Server 2
IGN : WhiTe
Registered : 27/04/2014
Age : 15
Language : Tagalog (native) and English
Gaming Time/Day : 2 : 3 hours
Total Gaming Time : 500hrs +
Applying for ''Server 2''
Name : WhiTe
Age : 15 years
Laguage : English and Tagalog
Total gaming time on the server : 500+
Gaming Time / Day : 2-3 hrs
Apply: Helper in S2
Name: WhiTe
Age: 15
Languages: English and Tagalog
Gaming time: 500+ Hours.
Gaming time per day: 2-3 hours.
That list of Account do you see to me is not my Account that are players who have been playing through the use of Internet Cafe so that dont blame to me that im doing Multi-Account..If you dont trust me just ask them.
I want to say to you that i have only one account and this is Mr.WhiTe do u understand.And for that swearing to you i want to apologize to that ..Sorry. So please stop blaming me that I'm doing Multi-Accounting..
Thats all
Moderator Necro kicked me for 10 hours with reason Multi-Account but Im not multi-accounting what the fuck are you doin Necro you kicked some players without a proof.. What is ur proof say it to me huh?
Admin I am playing on cafe and sometimes the person whos playing this game banned cause of their fault and when I'm palying I can't login my account because the IP Address in this cafe is banned so please unbanned this IP Address Thanks for your consideration.
I can't login my account cause of my IP Address is banned so please unbanned it....
niCe I have a suggestion about the problem in the jetpack because when some player who have JETPACK like me when I was killed my jetpack will not see the place when Im dead so that I will able to go to Abandoned Airport to get a new JETPACK again and to wear it.It is consuming time and effort so please the command /jetpack can able to use in the server so that player who have already buy JETPACK like me will not tired to get it to Abandoned Airport please approved this Suggestion...
22/07/2014I sell combat shotgun for 30k but the money 30k i give it back told to the player that i sell combat i give back the money
17/06/2014Im Banned with Reason Scam But im not scam i give back the money and my character later banned when i give back the money and im in prison HELP ME admin please
17/06/2014Registered: 27/04/2014
Logged in: 12/02/2025