



MINEZ Scam Artist

Forum posts (83)

Drug wars problem

4 days now, no reply from admins/niCe. 1 thread even had the same problem and nice answered to him, and didn't state that there was a problem and just locked it. I've lost pretty much every hood because of the problem and have gotten no refund. Unheard of for this forum

Drug wars problem

I've lost alot of turfs because of it. If anything could be done about it, like refund for the drugs ect that would be good

Drug wars problem

So i talked to an admin and he said to make a thread so i am.
Alright so i went offline yesterday at like 1am or something, i checked how many drugs i had before ect and there was 1kg cocaine, like 700g/800g meth and 20g weed. Everything was doing okay and suddenly when i wake up, i had no messages of getting money or DP from the 10h or 9h i slept.
I checked the drugs and there was 0 at everything, then i checked and i still had only 30dp from yesterday.
i started attacking 2 hoods before i went to sleep, i now have 6 turfs, the loyalties are 21,31,100,100,100,72 (as i think that might be the problem)
So yeah if someone could expain how i can lose 1,8kg of drugs in 10h in there, that would be fantastic. ASAP

GUIDE: Drug Wars

Hell yeah, gonna be very helpful!
One question tho, will the drug wars map reset like every 30 days? so when people arent fast enough to buy the first turf and everyone has already bought one, they cant even try it. Or will it happen every few weeks?

Comments to updates on SA-MP

Actually the update is really interesting and im already addicted to it, so good job i guess. Looking forward for you guys updating it even more!

Suggestions on SA-MP

Add achievement: Win 100 airraces, every other minigame has the achievement for winning 100 but airrace doesnt it has the 10 and 50 but not 100

IMPORTANT! Attacks on the servers

prolly someone who lost in casino hhhhhhhh bad

Lost RPG

Thanks, happy new year to u too!

Lost RPG

About 5 minutes ago i logged into samp, got my 120 rpg from safe at a hotel, tried to auction it, it wasnt there so i relogged and when i came back in it was gone from the safe and it wasnt in my hand, for my knowledge i had no pl when i relogged and checked. dont know how it could have happened
a refund would be fantastic or if u do find that i had packetloss then please tell me
server 2

All I want for my birthday is an unban

Go out with your friends and have fun on ur birthday lol hhh

Suggestions on SA-MP

Fix the idleing time in tdms and dms, its insane, i aim 3sec and im already kicked, u cant do nothing with it

Suggestions on SA-MP

"New stats: proximity mines thrown, tear gas grenades thrown, explosives planted, flashbangs thrown, booby traps thrown"
add it to /top and web leaderboards too

Suggestions on SA-MP

Add a storage unit auction, like those tv shows ect, it would start at like 500k and people could bid and in the storage unit it could be full trash stuff or stuff that would make ur money back
an auction would appear like every 3h or so idk
would be cool

Suggestions on SA-MP

- Make a weekly objective, just like the daily one but that takes longer.
Could we very good and people would have something to focus on if they are bored

Bug reports on SA-MP

Trafficker job bug, doesn't happen everyday but pretty often.

Bug reports on SA-MP

Undertaker has 2 bugs or idk what to call them, one is that sometimes when u get the the checkpoint it dissapears and you have to reenter your car so it would come back, it happens to everyone and pretty often.

And the other one is that you can use /quitjob and rejoin the job again and the checkpoint changes so people can abuse it to get the closest checkpoint everytime

Suggestions on SA-MP

Add more locations to the Dumper job, gets very tedius, overall a fun job


You can delete the comment if needed, but for information i once played poker with a guy for 500k each and that actually happened to him too, i won 1,5mil not 1mil. Probably just a lag issue

Suggestions on SA-MP

-Add it so we can check how many lottery tickets have been bought even when we don't have enough money to buy more tickets, imo pretty bad that we can't already do that

Suggestions on SA-MP

-Make it so theres a very little chance of getting a deagle or 9mm gun from a safe, as it would be logical that someone would hold a gun in a safe. I think it would balance it out more as it is too op right now.
And also add counterfit chips to safes too

1 2 3 4 5

About MINEZ:

im white

Registered: 11/02/2016

Logged in: 10/04/2024

Recently played

9 months ago - Played 0 minutes

Most gaming time

3499 hours and 35 minutes

Recent achievements

Make 50 friends Completed 27/07/2023
Add 50 screenshots Completed 13/07/2020
Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 15/05/2020