



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
mids0n Headhunter
mids0n has reached level 62 01:20 PM
mids0n added a forum post to player report 08:57 AM
mids0n added a forum post to HIgh ping 07:14 AM
this isnt about ISP problem stop copy pasting what a clueless assumer posted 10+ years ago. this problem...
mids0n added a forum post to player reprt 05:05 AM
mids0n added a wall post to Tuck 04:42 AM
Timothy lalremruat
mids0n liked a video 12:47 PM
mids0n posted a comment to Greg's Third Montage 12:46 PM
I am so nailing u tonight.
mids0n added a forum post to Suggestions on SA-MP 07:17 AM
Make the weather change in enable/disable type some areas are just too dark even with full brightness
mids0n added a forum post to report 06:10 AM

Wall (121)

mids0n Headhunter Level 62 08/09/2024 04:52 PM
mids0n Headhunter Level 62 08/09/2024 04:51 PM
mids0n Headhunter Level 62 08/09/2024 04:49 PM
mids0n Headhunter Level 62 30/08/2024 03:22 PM
mids0n Headhunter Level 62 04/06/2024 10:05 PM

foxxliza is protecting her new cuck sinatra after stark abandoned him. she keeps deleting my posts on her walls so let me do it here.
Chanux Level 52 08/02/2024 11:31 AM
Tuck Level 67 30/12/2023 07:09 PM
sleep like dog ???
mids0n Headhunter Level 62 03/12/2023 06:18 PM
I would cry. Cry myself to sleep knowing I’m never good enough, no matter how hard I try no matter what I do she will never love me back. After everything I’ve tried she won’t love me, because I’m not good enough. I’m not strong I’m not smart I’m not good looking. There’s other guys better than me in every way possible, I will still try but deep down inside I know I don’t have a shot, even if I stay by her side and treat her better then I treat myself she will never love me back. She will complain about guys and say there is no one meant for her. I’ll still be sitting there waiting for my turn, then one day she will start talking to me differently. Is she liking me? I will be thinking. I will revert back to my old ways. Thinking that she loves me and developing hope again. She will start talking to me daily, I try to mask my true feelings but I can’t. Look me dead in the eye you see a hopeful kid, after a while I will confess to her. Saying I love her and want to be by her side, she knows how desperate I am from past conversations, how anyone works even if they don’t give two shits about me. I look her in the eyes on the verge of crying, is this a bad idea? Will she ever love me? I think to myself, then she runs over and hugs me. She pulls me in her arms and holds me tight, I get flustered because this is the first time anyone has held me like this. I’ll wrap my arms around her and start to tear up, she holds me while saying how much she loves me, she brushes my hair and says, I love you. Such simple words leave such an impact on me, I’ve never felt this love before, my mother has never held me while saying she loves me. I still love my mother don’t get me wrong but this is special, out of everyone, athletic smart strong. She picked me, maybe I am good enough? I think to myself. I look up to her, tears running down my face as I lock eyes with her, her beautiful brown eyes. I lock with them as I cry a little harder, she holds me and laughs slightly. She looks down at me and says, you are all messy, let’s get you fixed up. She takes me hand and we go to her house, she smiles and looks at me. Hop in the shower, I’ll make us some food. I hop in the shower and stand there as water runs down my face, is this a dream? I think to myself as I stand there, I hear knocking on the door which snaps me back into reality. I glance over and hear her voice, hey is everything alright? I sit there for a minute on the verge of breaking down. Y-Ya I’m fine. stutter out. Ok well hurry up dinners getting cold, I jump out of the shower and get changed walk out and take a seat at the table, I look up and see her, her amazing black curly hair, her beautiful eyes and face. I blush a little bit as I start eating, we eat and talk and having a great time. After she takes my hand and smiles. Wear this, she takes out blindfold and puts it on me, she leads me somewhere, I feel a blanket over me then something warm pressed against my body. She takes off the blindfold and look up to see her, we are in her bed, she is holding me in her arms as I rest on her chest. She moves down and kisses me as she whispers. Your good enough, I feel a chill shoot through my body, a tear runs down my face as she says, I love you, everything about you is amazing, I’ve known you liked me for a while but only know I’ve realized how good you are. I love you and always will, I want to hold you when you are sad. Laugh with you when your happy, I want you to be mine forever. She turns off the light and rest her head on mine. I stay there in her arms as I fall asleep. A loud alarm goes off. I jump out of bed and rub my eyes. I look around nothing I’m in my bedroom. I sigh as I look at the ground in defeat, I mutter to myself as I get out of bed and prepare for school. I need to stop dreaming.
xGuldy Hitman Level 86 10/11/2023 12:43 AM
Elias47 Bully Level 66 29/05/2023 04:32 PM
If nice sees your image title, then rip
Show comments 11-20 of 121

About mids0n:

s3 is easy and will always be

Registered: 25/05/2020

Logged in: 04/02/2025

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Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 07/11/2024
Create a video with 1000 views Completed 07/04/2024
Make 100 posts on the forums Completed 29/01/2024