What is this?! How that happening again?!!!! my problem was solved before and now it comes back!! https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/screenshots/large-89873.jpg
06/08/2018Thanks ^_^ , it has been solved.
close it pls :-)
I just logged in before several minutes and found myself got banned for no reason (blank reason)!
So kindly, please, check my S1 account.
i have no problem with waiting but , i just need to prove that i rly have no other accounts
so, pls check logs to make sure
in fact: 1. i am playing from my home (not cafe) with my own router and IP, none have access to my router. 2. i can play in S1 by niCe's permission (ask him to make sure). 3. i don't use any proxy. 4. finally, why u as admins don't check logs before banning :/ ?!! 5. is this is ban version 2 ?! https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/screenshots/large-84578.jpg
01/05/2018When i go to login to S1 today i found that unexpected bad surprise! I am sure that i got this ban by mistake as i didn't use anything from those which are mentioned. https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/screenshots/large-84571.jpg
01/05/2018Gangs Update: Players can't use /leave before 1min of joining time, so that can avoid abusers. Regards,
17/02/2018Burglary Job: 1. Every state must have different house interiors, so that there won't be anymore conflict in this job. 2. Add new houses locations for rob in this job. Regards,
19/01/2018Burglary Job Bug: When u working burglary and found other players working in same house interior. They r in fact in another state (ex: U working in SF and other players working in LV.) Regards,
19/01/2018Auction Info: Add command /auctioninfo so that anyone can see auction information (will be best used when u just log in and found active auction bids.) Regards,
15/01/2018good idea. Or make half payout for near destinations(ex: Red country) and full for the far ones. Regards,
11/01/2018Mechanic Job: Add vehicle Utility Van which via it, u can start Mechanic Job. Player will repair damaged vehicle using LALT. He will be able to see players with damaged vehicles highlighted by red color on map (for example like: paramedic and lawyer). NOTE: Mechanic can't remove wanted stars. Regards, Mido
06/01/2018Registered: 04/05/2015
Logged in: 14/09/2021
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