



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all players!
Menamizwut Commentator

Forum posts (73)

Suggestions on SA-MP

Add the ability to remove photos/videos from our profiles ma dudes

2x more Tokens for playing on FiveM 2

Tell me, is it really worth it?

EVENT! Easter eggs

Have fun everybodhy

Also a reminder that bunnies are not easter gifts

Discord ban??

Anyways you can lock the thread, it's just strange that I got booted for unclear reasons

Discord ban??

That's okay,

I just wanna know what rule I broke exactly cause I dont really remember I said anything bad

Discord ban??

Sorry I forgot to include my username
It's Radia#2301

Just making sure I wasnt banned by accident, otherwise if I did something wrong then I accept the ban.

Good day to you all!

Discord ban??

I never thought id be posting on here again but oh well
Im really curious as to why I got banned from the discord server without any notice
Last time I remember I was arguing with a bunch of people in a sorta civil manner and it ended up on good terms, next morning I dont see myself on the server anymore, whats up?

Suggestions on SA-MP

Website suggestion I have no clue whatsoever what got removed I havent been active on web in a week and I'm not a mind reader lol. My suggestion is perhaps add more information to when you guys decide to remove something? example a preview/quote of the post and reason of its deletion, that would be pretty professional and advanced imo

Killed by server for no reason

Thread can be locked if there's nothing to do about it I guess
Ty for your time

Killed by server for no reason

Just a sidenote, I wasted months of survival reaching that many hours that's why I made this thread. Also server killed me whenever it liked sometimes before this long run. please update the coding for quitting to avoid death cause it's silly sometimes

Killed by server for no reason

Name: Smol_Pidza
Server: S2

Hiya, today I got killed by the server for 'quitting to avoid death' when I was in my home computer the entire time before I logged out.
May I know what happened? Am I being trolled? I had many hours survived without death. This isn't acceptable.
I'd like some sort of refund or script to revert what happened if possible, thank you.

Suggestions on SA-MP

"You recently attacked this lawyer"

Literally just why. If someone legitimately assaulted me and I didn't want them to use my service I can like just drive away?

My best guess is that this was added to avoid stat boosting like someone punching you and you report it to give them stars so they use your service and bla bla (btw, cops can freely abuse this and instantly arrest criminals who attack them on purpose lol?)
But surely there can be a better alternative to prevent it, such as "This lawyer reported you for assault therefore you cant evade" or something
But someone would ACCIDENTALLY punch your vehicle while trying to evade (new players for example) and then your entire payout is ruined, either taken by cops or evaded by another lawyer which we dont get paid together from vicinity like cops do. It all needs massive improvement

I will not suggest anything specific since opinions aren't welcome but I hope for Lawyer job to be updated

Suggestions on SA-MP

/witnesses that kill without reason should instantly lose their protection, it's unfair how they kill us for no reason and tease and once we get back at them we get fined 50k or more

Suggestions on SA-MP

/vote command should be removed. Instead, add a Polling place where players can go and vote individually, and perhaps via computer page as well

Suggestions on SA-MP

Undertaker job enhancement - it should be possible to pick up the coffin and push it right back in the car using LALT once it falls instead of instantly losing the job and starting it again

Suggestions on SA-MP

Since /followers exists, there should be /following to see people that haven't added or unfriended us. Or better yet, if someone removes us, they should get automatically removed from our friendlist as well. Thank you

Thanks to players for record year 2021

Congratulations on the well deserved success! Very amazing servers, awesome features, gameplay and rules. Looking forward to future updates. I ​think the only bad thing about this server is the horrid community, although not all of it

Wondering if there will be a samp for definitive edition and wether we'll be able to transfer our progress there if it becomes a thing? Would be a massive update

What does your nick mean?

Black Maria A fictional supervillain from the manga series One Piece I chose this name cause I like the character and we share similar personality type

Suggestions on SA-MP

When someone gets a new /top record, it should be announced in main chat Example: NEW RECORD: Most skills in...: [player name]

Suggestions on SA-MP

- make shark, cow, parrot, etc wearable like hippo custome

- add tints for katana and baseball bat! that'd be so cool

1 2 3 4

About Menamizwut:

Well, I ain't playing this bootleg shit no mo.
Thank you kindly for wasting my time.


For R* related stuff, you can find me @ (more)

Registered: 24/03/2021

Logged in: 21/12/2024

Recently played

2 years ago - Played 1 hour and 40 minutes

Most gaming time

4965 hours and 5 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a video with 500 views Completed 16/12/2023
Vote in 50 polls Completed 14/10/2023
Leave 500 comments Completed 10/02/2023