It's one thing to leave and be wished by the community you'd return but there are those who leave and never say hi again no matter how hard you try which is something I've realized. They're...
It's one thing to leave and be wished by the community you'd return but there are those who leave and never say hi again no matter how hard you try which is something I've realized. They're good people but the pain to never see them and for them to leave old friends and begin a new life and live the hard life while forgetting those old friends who are still living in the past with nostalgia looking for you with sadness is another thing
I too have friends I will never forget the main one being GoldXen I don't remember the last time I've talked to him he's one of the few I can trust the feeling I may never contact him again is as like wondering if they're even still alive
If you wanna add me I am on Steam with the same name
Last time active: 02|10|2022 (2nd October) 12:03 (central europe timezone)
"If you wanna talk to me here's your last hope because one day I might not login at all in here"
How are you?!
Lots of love
your friend <3
sheesh man the forklift grind era feels like yesterday haha. rocking the streets of SF as dnb goons were the days <3