



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
MalikShehryar Legendary player

Forum posts (21)

Halloween on English servers!

i got some big business to deal ...

Unban me

Hey admins staff, i got banned for 30days for sharing goldbar locations but i dont think if i did that
if i did send me the proofs so i can believe that i actually did, i also know yall really well most of u guys hate me coz i giveaway / donate money in my Org, thats so bad if its like about what u guys did
about ban i want proof, if not unban me coz i dont think i did share something

Unban me!

hi i got banned for 30days for sharing goldbar locations, it should be 1 day or max 7 days ban, i cant say anything more, if u guys can decrease the ban i'd be glad for that, Thanks!

Searching gold bars and special bonuses

just 2 days ? :skull:

Show your self off.

Show your self off.

Show your self off.

Shehryar from WTLS-2
18 years old!

UNKICK ME IF U CAN ... Thanks!

Hello, I'm Shehryar. from WTLS-2
I got 10hr kick for Advertising " ***" Server, i shouldnt do that
There's an annoying player who a lagger and made me do that still it was my own mistake!
Still i love s2 and didnt mean to encourage players to play uif or something, it was just about fight 1v1
i'll not do that again if u guys can unkick me and mute for long i'll accept that, i'll be glad if u guys can do that!

... fix this ceo works bug / issue ...

Hello, I'm Shehryar. from WTLS-2
The CEO of B.E.A.S.T.S organisation!
We had 127k Cw's in /org most Cw's done but when i opened org on my return last week we faced somekind of bug and our Cw's were 25k, now we have 29k Cw's!
And Even if CEO dies or Org becomes inactive for long time, Cw's doesnt become less like we had in our Case, Ive seen so many CEO's who were inactive for long time and they still had same Cw's when they became Active!
So please Fix this Issue, I only have 100k Cw's picture as proof!

Please Fix This Bug!!!

See the evidence this picture was taken on 12/8/2023
And on 1st january 2024 i went inactive untill 1st january we had scored 127470 Cws in most cws of all time done.
But i dont have 127470 Cws Picture of Most Cws Done coz i was about to take it but on 1st January 2024 my PC got broken!
Its still bugged 25470 Cws.
Please Fix this Bug!
Thankyou Admins team!

Please Fix This Bug!!!

Hello, Im Shehryar. From s2 and i have my org B.E.A.S.T.S there.
I recently opened my org through android coz of pc was broken.
My org was 1st in /org most Cws done with around 127k Cws and ive that picture on my web acc and around 4k Ccs in /org most Ccs done, you can check my peofile org pictures there you will find it.
But after i opened my org theough android i found that my org has 25k Cws in most Cws done and 923 Ccs in most Ccs done, so thats a wierd issue / bug.
Please fix it ... Thankyou!

Show your self off.

Creative's smile reveal

Samp Error 0xc000007b

thanks everyone, its fixed now

Samp Error 0xc000007b

I've installed new windows 7 and when i tried to run samp it showed me an error " 0xc000007b"
idk how to fix it, i've done so many things but its not working
if anyone knows how to fix then plz help me

Unban me Please !!!

I am Shehryar. From s2 ,
I got ban for 5 days for teaming in event with a Guy named Triki .
I was just joking with him i said " Lets team xD " and he was lagging so i didn't killed him coz that would be unfair .
Then i got a Ban for real .
Please UNBAN me if you can i'll appreciate you admins alot !
Thankyou !

Unban - malikshehryar - wtls2

i didnt lied bro big thing is i dont have proof , i'll message you Jalla see the full story there & you are admin you know better then me , dont increase ban plz

Unban - malikshehryar - wtls2

Name : MalikShehryar
Server : WTLS2
Reason : Sharing gifts locations
i found 3/10 gifts and i was finding another gift near ls to lv highway . there i found DankRishu and i didnt asked him for the location but i said him just this question mark ? which means that how much you found . he thought im asking location but i didnt asked . then i found the gift . the gift was there where was DankRishu was standing before his pm i collected that gift then he pmed me and told me the location but i didnt asked from him . its not my fault its his fault bro . after 5-10mins he got banned . then after 20-25mins i got banned too so plz unban me . because of him i got banned too. he helped me but i didnt need his help and then i said him "Ty" but i found gift before his pm .

Suggestions on SA-MP

Add King of the Month event in which the top 3 best players get some prizes . add this i next /updates plz ! thanks .

King Of the Month

add a king of month event which ends at every month in which the most best player of month get some prize ! plz add this /update at next

Add Oppressor Bike !!

hi niCe . plz add oppressor bike which is like in gta 5 . its a nice bike and its ezz plz its request add it in samp ! <3

1 2

About MalikShehryar:

I am Malik Shehryar
I am from Pakistan
My date of Birth is 14 october, 2006
I am 18 years old
I play in WTLS-2
I am the CEO of Top 1st " B.E.A.S.T.S " org in WTLS-2
I... (more)

Registered: 11/12/2019

Logged in: 10 hours ago

Recently played

25 days ago - Played 6 hours and 45 minutes

Most gaming time

6158 hours and 20 minutes

Recent achievements

Play 5000 hours on game servers Completed 16/07/2024
Leave 100 comments Completed 02/07/2024
Make 50 friends Completed 23/03/2024