7th category: Ne2kas
10th category: B.E.A.S.T.S (Shehryar.)
not so soon u Misanthropists, we'll still "BANG" ya'll hard
i'll be back "SOON" < 3
25-27 Online Daily! Scoring upto 2.2k Cw's PerWeek! GG All Beasts Og's! You MUST Acknowledge!
28/09/2024raiden these candy asses are crybabies haha
that song is for them GJ
they are just better at RUNNING or TRASHTALKING
i can get gustavo and mcdonaldo perma if i got that picture back, i'll post and get them perma banned
gustavofring come face to face with me with ur bad piggies, i bet in micro ima bet ur candy asses
but ya'll run like spain cuddly bulls
u guys are even ahead of gays
Sterr we got 1st back in just 1 day, i had exams but dont consider that, no org beat us actually u saw that since 2021, i just had exams for 4-5months and was inactive but we didnt lose
25/09/2024u only run scumhead
better get perma toxic bad piggie
fustavocringe ur just a deadlemon who's just of talks
bozo u all got asses in ur org and about Beasts " we always WIN and we WILL WIN " < 3
so u better get ur ass out of our Chats
if it didnt work i'll kick you : D
Our max Cw's record is 2.1k Cw's in 1 week! Our max Online record is 27 Online! We'll Break that Record Soon!
11/07/2024Registered: 11/12/2019
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