



Makima74 Experienced player
Makima74 liked a screenshot 01:49 PM
My new Rare Cheetah with SSlick Cheetah - 163
Infernus - 211
Makima74 has reached level 55 01:47 PM
Makima74 liked a video 07:34 PM
Ballas cooks Grove Street Rampage Side Mission mod gameplay
Makima74 won 4th place in contest 05:36 PM
Hidden contest #31 - S3 Hint: Occasionally, I have to take care of different tasks for this group, but it won’t take much...
Makima74 liked a video 04:33 PM
Sawn off Montage 4 - Kimm27 Enjoy watching in 4k ^_^ !
Makima74 liked a screenshot 07:14 AM
1st 625 Hours in Month 8 Thanks for 500 Tokens. Thank you for everything
This is a special month for me
I have dominated everything in the game this...
Makima74 added a forum post to question 07:07 AM
Makima74 liked a video 06:38 PM
Makima74 liked a video 01:37 PM
Makima74 added a forum post to player report 05:24 PM

Wall (194)

21Monster Legendary player Level 30 04/09/2024 09:34 PM
Hi sigma male, friend me bak ;c
Makima74 Experienced player Level 55 16/08/2024 01:54 PM
Dude I'm tired of arguing with you, get better at life. Good luck
Jerry81 Nobody Special Level 24 16/08/2024 01:32 PM
It's Summer vacations, also, I don't want to argue with a nagger like you. Before you think I am saying nigger, what you are, do read the meaning of nagger.
Makima74 Experienced player Level 55 16/08/2024 01:15 PM
XDD, you deleted my posts, how would they know how bad I roasted youlets roast each other on discord then, dm me. I will definetly go all out on you and the things you belong to(iykyk). Seriously go to school first
Jerry81 Nobody Special Level 24 16/08/2024 12:22 PM
XDD, you deleted my posts, how would they know how bad I roasted you.
Makima74 Experienced player Level 55 16/08/2024 03:48 AM
Oh so you did triggered because I deleted the posts? avengers0
I had dms saying nice roasting lol, I will send you screenshot of you want. Also go do your maksad training to bomb people,crash towers.
Jerry81 Nobody Special Level 24 15/08/2024 11:19 PM
4K hahahahahha, nice, can you at least please talk with facts? If I was the one trashed here, you wouldn't delete my posts. Secondly, you have a nice excuse for deleting my wall posts XDD, keep it up.
Makima74 Experienced player Level 55 15/08/2024 04:49 PM
wow, it was you who got embarassed and trashed here. i deleted the posts coz i know it'd piss you off . Even one of your friends said playing 4k hours at 13 y/o isnt normal. I wont tell his name btw.
Jerry81 Nobody Special Level 24 15/08/2024 03:53 PM
Wow, you really did clear the evidence of your embarassment.
Makima74 Experienced player Level 55 15/08/2024 04:12 AM
@21Monster ofc we got rid of that clown for 3years atleast
Show comments 11-20 of 194

About Makima74:

Player in WTLS3
in game name Makima74
~~~Most AK47 kills in Wtls 3~~~
Previous names :- Stokesy25, xJisooya_
I love getting cheaters banned

Registered: 19/04/2022

Logged in: 32 minutes ago

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Create a video with 1000 views Completed 06/07/2024
Add 10 screenshots Completed 10/06/2024
Create a video with 500 views Completed 01/06/2024