Hello, You'll find a complete list of all commands at the following link- The Commands Guide Moreover,you can use /cmds in game too for checking commands.Thanks.
03/12/2021Hello, You can reset your password here- www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/edit-profile/?item=link-account Select "reset password" option and a new password will be sent to your provided e-mail address.Which you can change later via /password in game anytime.Thanks for understanding.
You won't face any issues.It will be just fine.I think you're playing with 60hz right now.And the maximum fps limit in any 60hz monitor is 60FPS.Even if your system is capable enough for 100 fps, you aren't getting any advantage actually.Cause your monitor is providing you 60 fps and the rest 40 is just kind of a waste.If you upgrade your monitor to 144hz that means your monitor is capable up to display 144FPS.And you'll enjoy your game more smoother than before.But if you put yourself in front of a 100hz monitor there won't be any differences at all compared to a 144hz one.Thanks for understanding.
It's not a bug.You have received cryptocurrency for completing your work.From now on you'll receive cryptos for works like delivering cars,assassination contract etc.You can exchange it from computer>Keepyourchange.io page with in game money.Thanks for understanding.
Anticheat is never wrong at it's work.If you're kicked that means you were really cheating or having high packet loss.You can use /player <your id> in order to check your packet loss in any time and packet loss over 1 indicates poor state of network.We strongly recommend you to record your gameplay which may help you in case of your getting banned.Thanks for understanding.
Hello, Don't create multiple threads.You will be answered at your previous thread- www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/69292/ Thanks for understanding. //Futureboss was 16 seconds faster.
It's not a bug.Since it's a multiplayer game it works with online players'.When you start a shooting challenge from Ammu-nation it appears on other players' chatlist and it's their wish if they're going to join on ongoing shooting challenge or not.If they're interested they'll type /shooting command and will play against you.Otherwise you'll get refunded with your joining price.Thanks for understanding.
Hello, Report players in proper thread with admin tags- --- Player reports --- Thanks for understanding.
23/07/2021Hello, Stick to a single thread.If you have something to add more please use edit button on your previous thread. www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/68897/#post-623445 Thanks for understanding.
17/07/2021Hello, You can know how to donate /webmoney using Bitcoin at the following thread- www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/49832/#post-485576 Thanks for understanding. //NAZAL54 was a bit faster.
08/07/2021Hello, Anticheat is never wrong at it's work.You may have a poor network.You can check your packet loss when you're in game by /player <your id>.Higher packetloss (over 1.00) indicates the poor state of network.Here you can see how anti cheat works- www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/51716/ Thanks for understanding.
05/07/2021Nothing to worry about.Your another thread is removed by one of our admins.Keep patience you'll be answered soon.
02/07/2021Hello, Don't create multiple threads about same issue.You'll be answered here- www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/68263/#post-619446 Thanks for understanding.
Did you link that game account to any web account.If you did that you can simply send your game password to your e-mail address.If you did not link,there isn't any way to recover it.Also keep in mind that multiple accounts are not allowed here.Thanks for understanding.
You can't log in because there is already a player playing with similar name.Wait sometime for his logging out then you'll be able to log in.Try to change this name in order to avoid such unexpected problems.
Hello, You can post any game related suggestions at the following link- https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/5856/?page=2444#post-617351 Stop creating multiple threads about suggestions.Thanks.
24/06/2021Hello, You can post any game related suggestions at the following link- https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/5856/?page=2444#post-617351 You don't need to create an individual thread for this issue.Thanks.
24/06/2021Hello, Your previous thread is still open.You'll be answered there.Don't create multiple threads about same issue. https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/67925/#post-617040
23/06/2021Admins can't refund you such things.You can only ask for a refund if you lost over 100k game money by server fault.As you lost only 30k that means you aren't eligible for refund.
23/06/2021Registered: 10/05/2017
Logged in: 29/04/2024
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